How To Get FREE ilvl 610 Gear This Week Only & Anniversary Event Preparation

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The Timewalking Weekly Event can help you gear up super easily, with a guaranteed piece of 610 item level gear. You can also level up very fast, and you can start stockpiling Timewarped Badges to buy the new rewards coming in the 20th WoW Anniversary Event. Let’s check it out!

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0:00 – How to get FREE 610 gear this week
0:44 – Timewalking weekly quests
2:29 – Timewalking Raid
3:37 – A guaranteed piece of 610 gear!
4:21 – All of this can be used in the catalyst
4:43 – But arent delves better?
5:54 – This isnt just for solo players!
6:17 – Timewalking dungeons are also super fast leveling
7:03 – Stockpile those Timewarped Badges!


36 thoughts on “How To Get FREE ilvl 610 Gear This Week Only & Anniversary Event Preparation”

  1. Agree with others here . To think your automatically going to get into a group is laughable. I am a new level 80 Paly about item level 563. I tried for over 90 minutes to get in a group and never made it to one. Ill just stick to solo stuff. Which lucky for me there is plenty of in this expansion. Really enjoy your videos btw. I was just bummed that I could not get into to any BT raid groups.

  2. I just can't get on to a group. I've wasted so much time waiting, watching the count go up, and being declined. I really can't be arsed with all the kiddy behaviour. I may just not bother with this and continue doing my delves. The trouble with MMORPs is that you have to have other people.

  3. I wanted to put in my two scents here: I have done time walking in the past, and it was quite difficult for me. On par withe the Legion era mythic+ when I just got my gearscore up. However, I did Time Walking this week, and it was easier than normal dungeons.

  4. Gave the most useless trinket. One that reduces threat when you critically strike. Why does blizzard add useless stuff like that to the loot table is beyond me.

  5. it was at 4:35 i reliesed gearing has lost its novelty there for wow has lost its novelty its a gearing game at this stage and gear is just free all you have to do is participate.. considering wow has the most toxic immature rudest community ive had the privilege of being a part of it seems the game has lost its value and the only people keeping it alive are deludes

  6. Oh yeah, so I opened that damn box you get in that first clip AFTER someone graciously decided that I did a good job in the normal raid today and gave me a cloak they didn't end up needing

    The exact same fucking cloak drops from the box


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