How to get Jigglesworth Sr. Mount WoW (Fated Raids Shadowlands)

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Complete all three Fated raids in Shadowlands Season 4.

Fate of Nathria:
Defeat the following bosses on any difficulty while Nathria is a Fated raid.
Sun King’s Salvation.
Hungering Destroyer.
The Council of Blood.
Stone Legion Generals.
Huntsman Altimor.
Artificer Xy’mox.
Lady Inerva Darkvein.
Sire Denathrius.

Fate of the Sepulcher:
Defeat the following bosses on any difficulty while Sepulcher of the First Ones is a Fated raid.
Vigilant Guardian.
Artificer Xy’mox.
Prototype Pantheon.
Lords of Dread.
The Jailer.
Anduin Wrynn.

Fate of Domination:
The Tarragrue.
The Nine.
Soulrender Dormazain.
Guardian of the First Ones.
The Eye of the Jailer.
Remnant of Ner’zhul.
Painsmith Raznal.
Fatescribe Roh-Kalo.
Sylvanas Windrunner.

Fated Raids are the higher level of difficulty in raids for Season 4 of Shadowlands. Every weekly reset, one of the Shadowlands raids will become “Fated” for the duration of that week, with its difficulty increased and dropping higher item level loot to compensate. You can see which Shadowlands raid is currently fated from the Adventure Guide (Shift + J).

In addition to the higher scaling, a Fated Affix will also be active within the Fated raid for the week. These affixes work similarily to the Mythic+ affixes, adding new mechanics to each fight like enemies that need to be interrupted and grant the raid additional stats when defeated.

As Fated raids are scaled higher in difficulty than all other Shadowlands raids, the item drops from said raid also have a higher item level. Like the previous difficulties of each raid, the final bosses of each raid (Stone Legion Generals and Sire Denathrius for Castle Nathria, Kel’Thuzad and Sylvanas Windrunner for Sanctum of Domination and Lords of Dread, Rygelon and the Jailer for Sepulcher of the First Ones)drop items with increased item levels when compared to the rest of the raid.

This video shows How to get Into Fated Raids in Shadowlands Jigglesworth Sr. Mount.
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