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In Dragonflight, the four main factions are called Major Factions and use the Renown system from Covenants of Shadowlands. There is a lot of different info online about how to do this best, so I thought it would be a good idea to condense all possible advice into one, less than 5 minutes long, video.
Enjoy! 😀
All Factions 00:00
Dragonscale Expedition 01:08
Marukaai Centaur 01:27
Iskarra Tuskarr 01:58
Valdrakken Accord 02:48
Reputation Buffs 03:29
Outro 04:00
How are you liking Dragonflight so far? Do you find Major Factions better than Covenants? Let me know below 🙂
Very helpful vid ! 😊 What’s the benefit of getting renown in the factions?
Why? I've seen no point point to Dragonflight but then again I don't have an ePeen.
I got 25 renown with centaurs quite easily but with others im between 13-17 and just thinking about it makes my head hurt.. ;x
U DONT GET MAX RENOWN ..even if u do that every day(witch u cant)
So the only way to grind valdrakken is to do the key turn ins right?
Lol I’m rep 9 with isk I’m not fishing for 10 hrs for that. 15 rep for 20 fish
I'll sum this video up in one sentence. Do all zone quests and do all world quests and do all hunts and seiges repeatedly. There 4 min of your life saved for the obvious.
Everytime i see some1 rushing ahead with all, max rep, max level, top gear, all in the first week, so soon i cannot grasp why, i mean yeah good for you, but IT IS A GAME, is not like your cat is gonna die if you dont rush it, these poeple want to get to top level now and go bitter and toxic when they dont get it their way or if some1 else beats them to it, it worrires me
never understood speedruns, i mean why? u dont get to enjoy anything
Is there anyway to work on Artisan's Consortium rep other than the 3 weekly quests?
How about tusskar chests, those drops tusskar+dragonscale tokens?
How I am farmin renown: Farm the keys for the Black Flight. A LOT. Send them to whoever you prefer: Wrathion or Sabellian. Anyway, you'll get 50 Renown for Valdrakken. In each chest you receive you'll also get a Relic for the Camp and Centaur. Using these, you can farm their renown too.
For dragonscale also very good thing is to put all flags to high mountains, each gives 250 reputation, its only one time thing tho.