How to get the most out of your Warcraft Game Time

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How to get the most out of your Warcraft Game Time #worldofwarcaft #warcraft #warwithn #mmropg #mmo #gamer #gaming #twitchclips


17 thoughts on “How to get the most out of your Warcraft Game Time”

  1. Hey man I’ve been watching your videos lately and I’ve been loving how chill you are and straight to the point with what you are saying lol I’ve played this game since I was 8 I’m 28 now I’d love to group up and do pvp/pve/world stuff!!!!

  2. I feel like as a on and off wow player, to play certain things such as pvp you still are restricted to certain aspects that some people not enjoy however if it was to change or to remove those aspects I feel like would take the soul out of wow

  3. I stopped progression raiding right after TBC, hated it, ever since then I’ve been casual, online ALOOOT 😂, but casual. Now adays i do pvp, raid/dungeon finder xmog farm on my main(oldest) chars (Mage, Priest, Warlock, Warrior, Paladin and Hunter)

  4. Good advice, but I don't think it's necessarily that casual players don't have the skill set. A lot of us are former hardcore players that have kids, jobs etc and just don't have the time to put into a game like that any more.

  5. I've been playing wow on and off for about 12 years. Always casually but all of a sudden I was grinding everything and got burnt out. After almost two years forcing myself to not play and doing a kind of detox I sometimes log on turtle wow (prefer than the original) and do some leveling, hardcore (my favorite content). No compromisses, no grind, just chilling. Wow became a different thing in my life

  6. I did this when classic first launched. I was in a mythic raiding guild and I just had enough of try harding and keeping on top of everything raid related. I deal with enough shit IRL, so i wanted to just chill. Started classic and had probably the best gaming experience of my life. Chill and fun raids with good people, some wpvp, hell even mindlessly farming gold was relaxing and enjoyable


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