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Elemental Shaman into Rogue/Mage. I chose a clip where things go wrong, to show you what not to do and how to recover.
00:00 – Sketch
00:20 – Introduction
01:48 – Commentary Start
12:17 – Clip Playthrough
14:29 – Outro
JOIN MY DISCORD! (Click Rules of Engagement, press emote at bottom to see everything)
Music provided by YouTube Audio Library and Risking Nostalgia
#Shaman #WoW #Shadowlands
I hope this is useful. Any questions, queries or concerns let me know I'm more than happy to help.
Thank you, as always, great video! Do you see any diference between facing rogue+mage in 2v2 (with healer) and 3v3 scenarios – if so, what to do differently?
yuge vid dude, great stuff as always
jake pog
Nice video once again man! Also for ele sham/resto sham…Dark Iron Dwarf or regular Dwarf? Or doesn’t it matter?
Great video! Keep up the hard work
what are the nameplates on the right that shows enemy cooldowns and cast bars? that kind of info would be very useful
Boy you were playing so bad xD
Great video. Love your content !
Yo jake, how did you enable the cooldown plates of your teammates on the raid Power Bars? Is it an Addon or blizz setting?
As someone who is learning Ele Shaman from you, thank you very much for all the work you do! Love your videos/insight/guides!
Wait so doing harden skin and astral shift doesn't = 80% can you explain how it works?
Hey Jake thanks for this video! If I get sapped and they go my ret as (Ret Ele Disc) do I trink grounding totem into tremor as priest runs in for a fear? Should I clump with my team or go out like you and run at priest so we get in combat since we are playing triple healer kind of. Clumped, the triple DB ring fear feels awful when we clump and sometimes they just burst us down and force so many cds as the cheapshots in dance are free when we are so close to each other. Grinding out the glad wins but the good R1 RMPs are making it hell at the moment.
The obscure thing is not a bug – thats an ability. Can't link it atm but it costs him alot of energy (so he cant really burst after) but it makes him obscured. He can also use it offensively.
Great vids man. How did you show your team's CDs next to the health bar ? And can you make a vid on every classes major CDs for PvP. 🙂
If this comment gets 2 likes Treesapjake has to turn this channel into a Bugsnax fan vlog
Great Video, loving these matchup guides for ele keep it up
How many games do you have to play to find out, that it will be the 2nd rogue stun that kills you? o_O
is bigdebuffs the thing that shows their cd usage in their nameplates or is it something else?
love the videos learning a lot as a new pvp player
Ele sham S Tier while AFF lock is A and Destro unranked? Skill-Capped is weird af