How to Import Sequences into GSE 3.2 – World of Warcraft: The War Within

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World of Warcraft The War Within GSE 3.2 Addon

How to Import Sequences to GSE 3.2

GSE United Discord:
GSE Timothy Luke Discord:

My Retribution Sequence on

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20 thoughts on “How to Import Sequences into GSE 3.2 – World of Warcraft: The War Within”

  1. Love the video. Short, but detailed. I ran into this issue yesterday when I tried to use the new GSE for the 1st time. Importing was fairly straight forward, but the format on the new discord was a bit confusing. I went to TWW BM Hunter and took me a bit to figure out exactly what to copy. In time I am sure it'll get easier. These transitions are always a challenge for me.

  2. Thank you very much for the explanation. I encourage you to make more videos, and if possible, a video explaining how to make sequences would be wonderful.

  3. I almost had to walk away from the game a few times because it wasn't accessible. Oak's macros gave me a way to play with my friends again, I can't recommend trying them enough.

  4. I found your vids a hour ago, sitting here and staring at the new gse and I have no clue how to even setup anything…nothing works… And are they forcing me/us now to use keybinds? Pls someone explain to me how to even setup anything now in the new gse😢😢😢 and I'm not new to gse, still can't figure it out so that it works….

  5. Hey in the Last Version the addon created a Button that i could place in my Action bar. This was usefull for me cause i use my spekks with my mouthe and Not by pressing the Keyboard. Ist there a was to implement this Feature Back? I would Like to move the macro into my Action bar and click IT with my Mouse. Thanks in advance


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