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0:00 – Intro
1:03 – What Is Spell Queueing?
4:02 – Changing Your Spell Queue Window
5:29 – Cancel Spell Queue
6:35 – Why Does This Matter Now?
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Concepts: wow, world of warcraft, shadowlands, wow shadowlands, arena, wow pvp, arena, pvp
Increase rating by not playing wow. This makes way for a new expansion and better gameplay
Thanks for tutorial but I think it's idiotic to play pvp we need to do such a shit just to have fair chances. Fucking blizzard.
wow is that bad that skillcapped has to make videos about fucking spell que
i play 140ms to 190ms all the time is it a big disadvanatage ?
I love your videos, but PvP is dead lol. Only ones playing are streamers playing with each other and thats it lol, few teams here and there
I got 13ms on wow so idk if this is worth it, but I'm thinking about playing an alt on NA so might actually be worth looking into
gank players in korthia amazing Line!
Why would skill cap put out this vid, pvp is absolutely broken and dead in SL, even the streamers hate it…
You guys are making top wow pvp content. Thank you.
Spell queue doesnt lower your spell time.. looks kinda sketchy
so are you saying if i get 18 MS in game – i should be around 118-168 spell queue in the advanced interface addon?
I had to re watch that clip of the warrior casting shattering throw while the mage was at 70% health at 7:49 like 5 times that's just insane.
Sick, thanks lads, been a happy subscriber for soon a year now and chilling in the 2100's 😀
Doing this is good but it really pertains to high mmr where milliseconds matter a lot more often
This is very big brain, thanks. 🤙
Thx so mutch, I play sub rogue, do you suggest me 150 as number? Thx a lot
Got excited until I realized it was Retail Arena video. Cmon guys focus on the real game… TBC
Does this work in classic TBC?
I think it was actually quite obvious at 0:00 – 0:07 that the DPSer on the right was getting spells off more quickly with less time in between spells, and I think most people who play wow would be able to tell you that. I really don't think it takes "superhuman genetics" (galaxy brain IQ/zero lag eyeballs). Not sure if it was meant to be a joke and it went right over my head, but I just felt like saying that. Anyway, great video, it was super informative, just a small detail I noticed that I felt had to be addressed because I really think your guys' statement there is not true and that kind of phrasing can sometimes stop some people from even trying to notice even though they are completely capable of it.
Question about latency. Which one should i have to consider? Home, world or i have to add both?