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This video goes over how to use the last 5 days before Patch 9.1 to prepare your professions and goldmaking. Using Legendaries, Crafter’s Marks, Alts and other techniques can help you make millions within the few weeks of this patch! Thank you guys so much for watching and be sure to let me know what you plan to sell!
BiS Legendary Wowhead Post:
Legendary Calculator Spreadsheet:
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📁 My Goldmaking Spreadsheets:
✅ Gold Making Addons:
TSM, Loot Appraiser, WIT, Bagnon, Peddler/Scrap
0:00 Intro
0:55 Section #1 – Legendaries
16:35 Section #2 – Crafter’s Marks
21:26 Section #3 – Alts + Pre-Patch Prep
26:45 Section #4 – What to do After Patch Releases
28:15 Section #5 – Do not get Discouraged!
31:00 Summary/Outro
🎵 Music:
World of Warcraft Soundtrack
#shadowlands #goldmaking #guide
Thanks so much for watching the video! I tried my best to fit in a lot of information in the shortest time possible! Feel free to pause the video and rewatch parts to make sure you get all of it! I really had fun making this video and I'm so excited about 9.1 (if you haven't been able to tell :P) Good luck everyone and Happy goldmaking!
Thx for those tips 🙂
where is that Npc so i can spend my valor point ?plz
Great vid, thanks a lot for the detailed info!
That’s a lot of info, but thank you for putting it all together. Great video as always 🐧!
great video thanks!!!
Love your vids, and ez to listen to your stuff.
I just gotta say, Blizz REALLY have no idea what to do with professions… 400 cloth per example, jesus christ. They have either a hidden plan to milk people of gold or literally throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks because that idea from them is stupid.
Yeah the renown thing I've worked on for BS LW and tailor already, sadly my other crafters aren't even LVL 60 yet.
Still way off getting LVL 4 legendaries on all of them but working on it too. I'll concentrate on the best slots to upgrade.
I need to work on my JC and get her up to scratch. The rest of my game time will be getting alts to 60.
Excellent info from you as usual.👍
Any recommendations for low effort/time ways to make 10k a day without shadowlands. Every kind of old world farming I've tried seems to be worthless or doesn't sell ever
Do you think I can start crafting legendaries for profit at 9.1 even if I never crafted any legendaries in 9.0 ? Or the entry cost will be too high
Sadly i just startet goldmaking in shadowlands and was focused on the easy ways of goldmaking with leather farming, enchanting and herbalism. I made like 3 Milion and now invested 1.5 in materials to sell in 9.1 hopefully i can get to 5 Mio gold.
But now thanks to your video i see that my leather stacked is wasted 😀