How to Queue for Random Classic Dungeons in Shadowlands!!

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This is something that frustrated me for a while before I stumbled across the ridiculously hidden Random Classic Dungeon Finder, so here is a short Video to help out!

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48 thoughts on “How to Queue for Random Classic Dungeons in Shadowlands!!”

  1. i had the weirdest bit of confusion because i had a really old character that i never leveled past level ten, and when i leveled them up a little bit they automatically unlocked queing for random classic dungeons, but i thats no longer my main server, so when i recreated them elsewhere and started leveling, i couldn't figure out why I couldn't anymore.

  2. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I've been literally dead from World of Warcraft for so long because I'm not used to the BFA dungeons and I don't know how to do them because I took forever to get to the BFA content. Having these classic dungeons will help me get back in gear 😀


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