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This is something that frustrated me for a while before I stumbled across the ridiculously hidden Random Classic Dungeon Finder, so here is a short Video to help out!
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This is so stupid blizzard… thanks alot dude
so how do i queue for random cata dungeon then?
thanks for the video tho, it's really weird they put it there Oo
Thank you, this change is stupid.
That's fantastic I was really hoping to find a way, I hope enough people are queueing for it
thanks man!
Pro-tip this doesn't work for ally races for me so go select cata. Drop the quest and go to the Command board and pick any classic zone.
Is it able to trial accounts ?
thank you sooo much for this video, it was very helpful! thumbs up
thank you sooo much!
Seems to NOT work in 9.0.2, at least for me on my 17 Monk alt :/
I was super excited to find a solution, but chromie doesnt offer this for me. Im level 56.
Thank you, dear sir!
Wow, that’s ridiculous – why hide it like that? Should just be an option for all when dungeons are available. Thank you!
Thanks dude ! I actually thought it might be through Cataclysm but didn’t try it before I looked it up. Haha. Thanks again ! – Ete Bliss
Thanks man, exactly what I wanted to know
Ty you are a life saver
Thanks for the informative video, cheers! <3
Dude thanks. Why tf would they even do this. It's so confusing.
Thank you! I was so confused! 🙂
I've tried talking to chromie but dont have the option to pick an expansion, what am I missing?
Why can't I just queue all random dungeons?
Thanks mate
Fk me… I have try to get classics but haven't found it 🙂 Thanks.
This needs more upvotes and views!
i need more help because when i click on Chromie there is nothing there
Thank you !
Simple, easy to understand, helpful…all characteristics of this video but not the chromie queuing system
Thx fucking blizzard can t make a classic dungeon button wtf and why cata `?
Nice this video taught me how to que up, tyvm!
It blows me away how awfully this was implemented… and it's STILL THE SAME
Thank GOD !.. and thank YOU!
Thank you for this upload. I hate the new dungeon finder right now, what a mess.
How do you find that person on the horde side?
Thank you!
Can you queue for all expansion dungeons at once?
This is silly just show classic dungeons in chromie time. I have levelled loads of toons and didn't even know this. Thanks for the vid.
Dude, thank you so much for this! Definitely would not have figured this out
stupid ass blizzard thank you for the vid it was doing my head in
i had the weirdest bit of confusion because i had a really old character that i never leveled past level ten, and when i leveled them up a little bit they automatically unlocked queing for random classic dungeons, but i thats no longer my main server, so when i recreated them elsewhere and started leveling, i couldn't figure out why I couldn't anymore.
I love you
Short, sweet and to the point. Thank you for this vid.
you saved my life thank you
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I've been literally dead from World of Warcraft for so long because I'm not used to the BFA dungeons and I don't know how to do them because I took forever to get to the BFA content. Having these classic dungeons will help me get back in gear 😀
I followed the steps but it didn't work for me sadly