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Want to get into your first dungeon in world of warcraft? This video has everything you need to know on how to run dungeons in world of warcraft! A beginner’s guide for those that have never done a dungeon before.
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How To Run Dungeons in World of Warcraft | Beginner’s Guide
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Great Video! As an addition to this I would say that you should turn at least enemy name plates on if they are not on. This allows you to see an enemy's health above them and also see if/what they are casting. You can do this by pressing V on your keyboard or under the interface settings in the game.
Nice! Maybe go into how to set up things in their interface and such would be a good help tip too!
Chicken says hello. I really enjoyed this one Swag – your beginner guides are really insightful.
What level is recommended before starting dungeons?
As someone who is new, I purchased Dragonflight during its sale. This was helpful with the dungeon queue "fear" lol. Thank you. I'll try a random dungeon queue after work tomorrow
Awesome video, fresh, updated beginner guides are sorely needed, since most of the community focuses on more advanced endgame stuff.
im definitely joining the discord to try and avoid toxicity with randoms lol
thanks man, you are a godsend, as a beginner its hard to find starter friendly guides, not about min maxing stuff. we really appreciate it
I’m a level 60 Druid on dragon flight and I am having a hard time when it comes to asking for help for specific dungeons…I am in bastion right now and I don’t know how to find people to help me. Every time I try to find people it joins me into a completely different dungeon and I get heated because the one I’m trying to do I die going in alone every time. Please help!
What level I need to have in order to complete my first dungeon? Im trying out WOW today at the evening 🙂
i dont get how im supposed to aim mobs and auto attack. im useing tab to select but i cant seem to right click very often on the select mob or monster so my guy ends up just standing there. theres too many people and monsters in the way !
Just went into my first dungeon. Was the dragon flight dungeon and I was lost the entire time
Great video thank you
So how does loot work in dungeons? I’m so confused? Does everyone get everything? Or do you have to roll? Or what’s that deal?
do you have videos on all that minor things like IO, and other stats, and guides on how to get the good items, how to level up them, the places, all that? as a new player i'm having a hard time to find information, I mean, it has but not the details
Your lisp makes this hard to watch…
I started to play 3days ago and doing some dungeons, but theres no communication anymore, no social ellement just rushing and skipping parts. Luckily i can follow.
as a new player i still dont understand whats the reward and how it works