How to setup Omnibar – Full in-depth Guide – Shadowlands 9.0

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33 thoughts on “How to setup Omnibar – Full in-depth Guide – Shadowlands 9.0”

  1. Do you know by chance how to get covenant abilities on the bar? I feel like I want convoke the spirits on my omnibar, the other ones I can't think would be too crazy, maybe warrior spear or paly bastion shenanigans

  2. When I setup my Omnibar a few days ago, I read through all the icyveins burst rotation guides for all the classes and noticed for me some of the abilities which seemed useful to track wasn't an option in the omnibar list.

    I had to add them in using their spell id as a custom spell.

    Double Tap for Hunter for instance
    I couldn't find on omnibar but on icyveins they reckoned it was part of their burst rotation.
    So I added it in as a custom spell id.

    I notice you don't track double tap?
    Or do you consider it not a useful cd to track and too much clutter?

    Thanks for the vid lovely vid, wish it existed a couple days ago when I setup my omnibar lol.

  3. Amazing guide again bro, really appreciate it! The small tips you gave on some abilities were great, but I still feel like each opponent class could have an entire video with tips on gameplay, how to counter, how to kill, how to take advantage, etc. That would probably be the most ultimate PvP guide ever made, and also probably quite hard to do, but the idea and request is here 😀 Thanks a lot again!

  4. Your guides are s tier. Good pace of speaking, calming voice and clear instructions. I really like your content. No other Ww content creator can keep up. Maybe take a look at Pikaboos latest Rouge Videos „how to improve as a Rouge“ and „how to get gladiator as a Rouge“ Videos like this are really missing for windwalkers. Its a ton of work i guess, but i think you could blow up for the rising ww pvp community if you execute them like this video. Greetings from Germany

  5. Hey Zug, was wondering if you're still using Escape from Reality as your go-to legendary? I've been trusting your opinion as a rank 1 monk, and my own experience, in that the teleport is an amazing defensive that cannot be understated, but every other monk player and guide says to use Invoker's Delight for the 33% haste gain. What are your thoughts on this? Have you changed your mind, do you recommend maybe having both legendaries, or do you have any other thoughts?

    I would really appreciate any response! Thanks!

  6. Thanks so much for this. I just gave up with mine, because I am extremely lazy lol. This made it so much easier. Amazing guide! Would appreciate it if you could make a tip guide of what to prioritize in 2v2 as a ww/healer or ww/dps. Would greatly appreciate it man. Thanks for the content, always enjoy it.

  7. Sheesh…. so much crap to keep track of. I just wish there was a way to make icons the same between classes when the abilities are similar. What i mean by this is a bunch of classes have a form of counter spell. I wish there was one single icon that could be used to keep track of all the counter spells across classes. Same thing with stuns, etc…. Because as it is, there are simply too many icons and it's a massive pain keeping track of all this stuff. I guess I could always narrow it down to keeping track of the big offensive and defensive cooldowns for simplification.


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