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I was kinda lazy farming Ve’nari rep, but today I have a video showing you one of the biggest reasons you might want to!
0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:32 Overview
0:00:48 Reaching Appreciative Level Reputation
0:01:54 Spatial Realignment Apparatus (What you can use it on/How it works)
0:03:00 What about Upgrading Legendaries AFTER you socket them?
0:03:24 Closing Comments/Thank you for watching! ^^
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All of my WeakAuras I made for my personal UI:
If you have any comments, questions or concerns, feel free to message me here or on my Twitter account for the channel @ZeraTheRedRogue.
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As always- This is The Red Rogue, and I’ll see you guys around.
*Okayest Rogue in North America is subject to debate and might be less than or more than Okayest at any given time.
Thanks a ton to the folks who run Bloodmallet, as they give so much information to the community at no charge at all. Support them if you’re able to, or at least spread the word of their useful content to the rest of our community.
Much appreciation for the fine folks at for the wealth of knowledge they give to the community.
Much appreciation to Shane Ivers – for his musical piece “The Buccaneer’s Haul” Which I used a portion of after adding a couple sound effects from WoWHead.
Hopefully this helps clear any confusion there might be on the process of socketing your gear in Shadowlands. ^^
Fcking first comment!
Just glad I saved 40k stygia until rep maxed out. This helps so much with versa sockets
Thank you for filling up the holes in the knowledge 😉
Have a fantastic day!
GG and TY
So glad my legendary piece is a ring!! Now to finish the rep grind lol
Hey R.R.. Nicely done. You always have some info I didn't know. Upgrading you don't lose socket. Nice to know. Ty
I would like too she what i need to Ancheance my Gear what should i get into it ;D