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Branching out trying to do my best to help people in Shadowlands! I hope this video can help if you’re having a hard time with Torghast or just want some type of video to make sure you’re doing it efficiently! I am no master myself, but I have definitely taught myself how to somewhat easily solo it consistently so I decided to share. All feedback is greatly appreciated, I try to reply to every single comment! Enjoy. 🙂
(Down until i’m high rated in Shadowlands!)
Twitch Stream
This was actually very useful. Thanks man!
Thanks for the video! Definitely had a hard time getting through layer 3 so was curious to see how you went about it. In my experience some of the vendor powers can be worth buying over the random orb, eg "The Last Blade" option you had at 10:48 gives 25% evis damage.
7:30 the spam target on the sentinal is to show you the sentinal that aplly to you the debuff for the floor you are in. If you kill him, you get rid of the debuff.
The debuff is the fist one.
so kyrian is better then nighfae?
best intro 10/10
Really great video. But I think Elites always drop power ups. If you are able to solo an elite, surely you should.
Why are you not taking the guaranteed stat upgrades for 65 anima rather than gamble on random 150 anima power? You didn't get any dmg increase from your 450 anima spent on the gamble.
Palumor the legend!! Love the videos bro you’re single handedly keeping me interested in wow keep it up!
Hey man, what is your combo points weakaura? And what about your UI in general?
I barely did the tutorial boss and rescueing bane even when lkilling ever single mob to get as many abilities as I could, always took multiple attempts and I was always 1 hit away from death when I finally bneat it. Dont know if I wa sunlucky with abilities or what, the difficulty was insane.
I like cleaning everything for maximising my power and when I arrive at the first vendor I tend to have 500 to 600 fantasma sometime. When done shopping, you can get the 250 fantasma item to turn neutral ennemies into fantasma or something. Use it next to the vendor and he turns into 400 fantasma. A net 150 bonus if you can go for it. (I don tknow what using the item in standard floor would get you but I ve a feeling it'd be less).
I've been seeing sub rogues run a one hander as an off hand, what is the benefit vs a dagger. Was wondering if I should make the switch.
great walk through! video idea, maybe a short list of what people should be trying to max out weekly and what's the most beneficial things to stay current? just a thought, might not be enough there. cheers!
This is good stuff. Do a commentary on a sub m+ run. Anyways keep it up.
I love your videos, especially the sub rogue ones since i main sub rogue aswell and get alot of tips from you!! Subscribed 100%
What conduit are you using?
why are you so handsome man
what addons are you using? i really like your setup its simple but still kinda neat.
also any tips on gearing up? i switched from outlaw to sub and my ilvl is at 147 and still stuck bcs world quests only award anima.
Great opening haha. The gf face was hilarious
When it comes to power ups I have found the best prio for me is specific damage buffs>defensive bonuses>other damage buffs>bad defensive bonuses>movespeed>mawrat buffs. My issue is that I die before the boss dies so the hp helps wildly
otvetydigt glow? wtf dagger?? what gotvetydigt ob dag? or burst ob riofgasts?
Subbed my man, great content keep pumping it out!
Hey, can u do a Tutorial about your Keybinds, Macros etc?.
That intro tho
Great video but I do recommend always looking through the abilities before buying the plundered anima cell. “The Last Blade” buff is extremely useful. Increases the damage of eviscerate by 100%
That intro xD!
Ive tried layer 3 of soulforge so many times and can't beat the bosses. Our anima powers are SO bad. 165 ilvl too….how does blizz expect you to do this with no heals?
where can i find the wear aura for those combo points? i really need something for echoing reprimand other than an icon
Just finished my blood dk now leveling a roque hard to level one since energy starving but its fun
The two most insane ones are jack of all trades, which when you pop shadowblades you get adrenaline rush and vendetta as well! And forgot the name but one of the most insane ones turns your distraction into an AOE nuke, like 24-50k crits. I have 171 gear score and can say the elites if you pull one of them you can mange them easily, but like if you go for killing everything it's up to rng with the power ups and mob layouts, I think your method is safer even if it leaves you weaker for the end boss.
Thanks! I couldn't kill level 2 boss. Kept dying with boss having <10% hp!
Talents ?
Thank you for doing all my thinking for me.
You could also purchase "Blinding Smoke Capsules" for the end boss, they are usually sold either on the 3rd or 6th floor, but I'm hearing from a couple people that they weren't available on their run. Personally I have seen them every run myself, but anyway if you come across them I highly recommend anyone to buy them at only 35 a piece. The boss will miss every attack and spell for 30 seconds if you fight in the smoke, and you can buy 3-5. It has a 10 second CD. Essentially you can use them back to back and remain unscathed..
Can somebody tell me why i dont do any damage in Dungeons.
i spam all abilities abd i dont do damage.
I play sub rogue and i got about 173itemlevel(mostly free pvp gear) , i go myth Dungeons with and i do very low damage why?
How do you regen your life like this?
Nice vid, subbed couse the intro was lit <3
Way to /flex having a girl! Haha
This is the second video I’ve watch from you.
Thank you for the easy to understand and straight forward explanation.
How many adds do you recommend using Shuriken Storm and Black Powder on vs focusing the target and switching?
Great guide man. Have just dinged 60 so look forward to trying this out! Thanks for the tips!
Much respect for this guide! i've been struggling as sub.
no way someone had trouble clearing fucken torghast
yo that intro, well done 😀 liked your content anyways but this made me subscribe. keep it up!