How War Within Raises The WoW Storytelling Bar…Interview with Maria Hamilton & Jordan Powers

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War Within Zones Deep Dive Developer Interview with Maria Hamilton and Jordan Powers

Taliesin interviews Associate Design Director of World of Warcraft Maria Hamilton and Lead Prop Artist Jordan Powers about the upcoming War Within expansion.

00:00 Introduction
00:50 Is the War Within Levelling Campaign too Short?
03:33 Azj Kahet: How to Make a Spider City
06:12 The Brilliant Storytelling of Hallowfall
09:11 Worldbuilding the Arathi Culture Through Design
11:18 Laying Plans: We Will Meet More Arathi Soon
13:44 More Harronir in the Future
14:20 Half-elf Character Customisations in War Within
15:16 War Within World Events: Theatre Troupe, Waking the Machine, Lamplighting & The Lessons Learned from Dragonflight
20:12 New Warband Character Select Screens
21:11 Integrating Delves & Follower Dungeons into the War Within Story

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49 thoughts on “How War Within Raises The WoW Storytelling Bar…Interview with Maria Hamilton & Jordan Powers”

  1. dumb question they said they want the workstation to feel like they are used for people that have multiple arms. I know the Drummers get used to having 4 tempos playing at the same time. but a normal person doesn't act like this. So i guess my question is would the narubians have the mental capacity to use all 8 arms for different things? simultaneously.
    the answer is not really important we will actually find out in game on how they fight.

  2. I really hope they don’t stick to the metrics that they have (which I’m sure are real and valid) for how many people don’t enjoy the story. On one hand, I understand their goal of “play it your way”; but at some point a line in the sand has to be drawn to stop it from becoming a competitive seasonal game with a throwaway story and keeping it an MMO*RPG* with an awesome story.

    Most people dont enjoy the story, because the ball has been dropped in the past. If you write a good story, which I wholeheartedly believe they are doing with the Worldsoul saga, people WILL come, enjoy, and stay for more of it.

    Don’t toss the most important element of an RPG for sandbox elements and DIY “fun”!!

  3. One Question I would like to hear from a story builder, if you get another chance to ask people like Maria in the future is. What kind of challenges or who and what teams go into mixing an old cavillation like the Arathi for example. Then bringing them into retail without making them the Silver Hand, Scarlets or More of the same, yet familiar enough to be interested.

  4. I know there will be an option to hide quests done on a different character when playing as alts, but what I'd really like is a means to skip story quests if they've been done on a character, so that I can speed through the main story elements without having to do them all over again. Being someone with OCD I've done the Dragonflight opening story quests several times over because I just couldn't stomach those shield quest icons being on the map and having a sense of emptiness if I didn't complete them. Something like the means of skipping the Obsidian Citadel arc would be absolutely perfect here.

  5. I LOVE the shield quests being easy to follow. I struggle with ADD and always would get lost in all the different story lines as I was leveling. Now I can just go through do the main story in one sequence and then go back and understand now I am doing "B" plot quests to understand more about the specific zone I am in.

  6. I feel like they’re trotting out more and more different devs for interviews nowadays and I love it — always excited when I get to meet a fresh face like Jordan through one of these ^.^

  7. The off chance that Maria reads this: my family plays WoW. Some of us since BC. We like permanent rewards. We don't care about item level. A great example – spending a month to earn the water walking mount in Pandaria. It was a goal. It was a grind. And we got a permanent boost in WoW because we could walk on water. So neat! That's all I should probably say. We spent years farming mounts. Playing the AH and buying TCG mounts. We feel like years of work toward these goals have been canceled. But rather than focusing on that, which hurts immensely, I just want to ask for future grinds with permanent rewards. Like the water walking mount. Thanks!

  8. Some interviews like this are really useless and instead of asking the obvious questions, there are always such insignificant and similar ones…

    Why is the Horde ignored in the story the Alliance always tells?

    Why is the focus always on humans and night elves and not even others?

    Why do you hate worgen so much?

    If Horde characters get minimal attention, why Baine and Thrall, especially since they're stupid and form half an alliance?

    Why always Thrall when there are other cool orcs?

    And give Mayla more character than just being Baine's best friend!


  9. Let me just say this about follower dungeons: I am not intimidated by doing dungeons, but there came a time when it seemed like every PUG group I got was full of jerks, and it became even worse after my stroke. People expect you to know the dungeon, even if it's new and it's your first time there. People expect to run through them as quickly as possible, not looting a thing from the trash or taking the time to take in the aesthetic…my guildmates have all moved on to other things. Few of them play anymore. Follower dungeons will have me running dungeons again to avoid the PUGs.


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