How WoW Classic Has Started My World Of Warcraft Addiction

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31 thoughts on “How WoW Classic Has Started My World Of Warcraft Addiction”

  1. Dude, I've played WoW for 20 years and it makes me so happy to know that the the game still makes people feel the same way I did 2 decades ago. Welcome to Azeroth my friend, and I hope the game continues to bring you the same joy, friendship and comfort that it's brought me for so long <3

  2. the no flying point is one of the biggest one!! World feels so big and dangerous atleast if u play on a pvp server a feeling u dont get in a dif. game.
    Have fun!

    And try SoD.. SoD is such a good version of classic!

  3. I've watched a couple of "my first time in WoW" videos now and every one of them nails the problems with retail perfectly. Leveling is borderline pointless, early game content is obsolete, and it just feels like they are pushing you towards the new expansion and endgame only.

    Meanwhile Classic, although not perfect, requires that you take your time, explore the zones, and experience the world.

  4. 3:57 That is not a theory, there is mathematical proof that as you level you get weaker and weaker until you hit near end game; then you got a massive boost to ensure you can participate in new end game content.

    Strongest toons rn are level 10-12 twinks and they blow through dungeons like they're max level in starting zones.

  5. I don't know, guys… Every time I see something from retail, it looks like crap. Sure, the models are better, and the locations are beautiful. But the process in general is so bad. The modern story is completely bullshit. I played TBC, I played WotLK, I played SoD, and now I'm playing Vanilla for the first time. Everything feels matter. Every piece of gear, trading, dungeoning, grouping for some quests—it’s the best MMO experience you could get.

  6. I played WoW beta back in 2004 by consistently bribing a married couple who were devs at Blizzard with free Outback when I was working. Even if they werent at my table id b-line it straight toward them tp use my comp and talk to them. Eventually i asked if he could get me a beta key and finally he emailed me with a key and a message "dont get me in trouble"

    Its been an off and off addiction since. Even during a dark time in my life when i was addicted to substances, WoW was there. I have very odd memories tied to certain expansions due to them coming out at a particular point.

  7. Grats on discovering one of the best games ever created. I have played from the original release and had so much fun running with guildies and raiding. A part of my life experience. Use wowhead and icyveins and google to aid yourself through howtos, gear and what to do in general.

  8. As part of gen z, I REALLY like WoW Classic! I like it more than retail, and it's so much more addicting than even other games available. 😀 I wasn't around to enjoy it when the game first came out, so it so cool to feel like I get to experience part of the past.

  9. Such a great love letter to classic wow! The brill inn music is very unique too and it threw me off when I stepped back in there, totally forgot about so many little touches in the old world.

  10. I just picked up classic again after getting bored with retail two weeks ago. I'm walking back and forth from Sentinel Hill to Stormwind to save money on flights so I can use it on spells. I spent an hour yesterday circling Elwynn Forest just picking herbs so I have enough potions so my Mage dies less often. I'm forced to sit and read because there's no way to know what to do if you don't read the quest. I'm so happy to do it. The scenery really is beautiful and the story engaging. Also players are constantly buffing each other even if we're just passing by because we know how badly we all need those buffs. I miss this game in 2006 so much. I made so many friends online back then.

  11. Classic always dies out after a month or 2 and all back to retail while always retail keeps way more players playin it then SOD/Classic/Hardcore ever did so its nice to drink and play nostalgia but it always dies out to the lvl of entire servers dead.


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