How You Can Load INSTANTLY In World of Warcraft

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32 thoughts on “How You Can Load INSTANTLY In World of Warcraft”

  1. Here is a list of things to consider if you are getting slow load times in game in order of importance

    1) Get an ssd (and ideally a faster internet connection) but mostly the ssd.
    2) Turn off every unnescessary addon or try to limit how many addons load with the game and take up in game ram
    3) Close other tabs,sites or applications that may be using a lot of bandwith (and ram) like twitch, netflix or other similar sites or at least close some of your tabs there.
    4) Try to ideally keep your pc clean from viruses/unnescessary running programms.

    Extra tip: Really just get an ssd.

  2. loads really slowly?
    ryzen 7 3700x
    32gb 4x8gb ddr4
    rx 5700
    samsung sata ssd

    WoW loads in as little as under 1 second. then when i turn on every damn addon i have, maybe 3 or 4 seconds? grpahics maxed out on retail, i think my 1% highs for load times would be around 4 or 5 seconds.

    this video for whatever reason, makes no sense to me. i have not waited more than 5 seconds on a load screen since i ran an FX6300 + rx 560 + 8gb ddr3 + HDD.

  3. From what I got from this:
    Turn off Weak Auras if you aren't using it for anything (M+,Raids, etc) as it's the biggest contributor to your load times. (Other addons don't contribute that much but having a ton of addons will add up)
    Download an Addon Manager and create Profiles for different situations. (Raids/M+, Leveling, World questing)
    Turn View Distance down to anything below 7 as 8 and up have bigger jumps in load times than from 7 to 1 view distance. (Pick your preference or PC limitations)
    Set the cvars worldPreloadNonCritcal to 0. Use a macro or use AdvancedInterfaceOptions(easier). The other cvars options are fine to turn off too but aren't that big of a difference.
    Probably best to keep render scale to your native res. FSR is broken and reducing render scale actually makes it worse.

  4. The load time on the screen and then more as it takes ages and ages for anything to load once you get finally in is ..insane. I don't even run but like 3 addons.. fasterloot, hidetalkinghead, and.. thats it actually. So 2 addons and my load time is astronomical with a good pc. :/

  5. WoW seems to process all addon loading/initial setup on just a single CPU core, so the more of them you have, obviously it will take (much) longer to slog through for that poor overworked core.

    Also, I've found (anecdotally) that enabling IP v6 in WoW adds huuuuge login/zoning delays. Absolutely massive. Now, I haven't tested IP6 since switching ISP, maybe that could affect things, but nevertheless, this setting might be something worth watching out for, I dunno. shrug

    Long load times is a really big (first-world) issue. One of the reasons I quit Destiny was it took A FRIGGIN MINUTE to enter/leave the city and/or a playing area. This on a high-spec at the time 10-core PC. Yes, I had all settings in the game maxed, but I still don't think it should take a couple minutes to start playing the game (entering the city about a minute of loading, leaving city and entering a playing area, another minute roughly.)

    So, ugh. No.

    Also, I've cut all addons out of my life these days (too much faff with the constant updating etc), except for the Wowhead looter, which has a very handy coordinates display. No genuine impact on loading times that I can tell from just this lone addon.

  6. Wow’s been loading slow since I had to move it to a different hard drive that wasn’t the same as my operating system. Haven’t been able to fix it in the main game. I’m assuming it’s my add-ons but in plunder storm i’ve been using
    /console worldPreloadNonCritical 0
    On the first game, I logged onto and it usually clears it up .

  7. since battle for azeroth came out my loading times in wow got worse and worse. i ended up playing the game on the lowest settings it looked very pixelated but it sped up the loading .and this really angered me since i bought a nice gaming pc a few months earlier and i was running the game maxed out 4k 60fps. even after this started happening my frame rate was good but the loading took forever .and even when in game i would have issues were npc's would be invisible when i moved too quickly .but i mostly played classic wow for a few years but i came back to retail to play shadowlands but it was literally unplayable it took 30 minutes to get in game and then everything was broken .

  8. I have HORRIFIC issues loading into places. I have absolutely no addons or mods installed on my computer that would need to run so I don't have those to turn off. It's probably my computer a little bit? I have an HDD instead of an SSD and I can't afford to replace my computer at the moment. But that's unlikely to be the whole issue. Oddly, FFXIV tends to load just fine and I have no issues playing that game, but the moment I try to do anything in even remotely "current" areas of WoW I'm in fecking stopmotion if I'm even able to zone in at all.

  9. As much as I fully get the benefits of cutting back on the unneeded load times from addons etc. WoW overall is pretty nice for load times compared to other games. I had a look at destiny recently and it's load times without any addons are massive

  10. Most loading issues comes down to your hard drive. Not really your cpu or your graphics card. ALSO addons up the ass is going to be most of the issue. I play with Platers and recount… bagnon and thats it and I got 0 issues and never have. The more addons you pick up the more loading there's going to be, pretty self explanatory


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