HUGE Changes To Leveling, Shadowlands CUT OUT & Alpha Coming Soon

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There are some huge leveling changes coming with Dragonflight, including making shadowlands completely optional – and even cutting it out from the new player experience. The alpha is also definitely coming soon!
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Timestamps –
00:00 – Intro
00:27 – Alpha coming soon
03:49 – Huge changes to leveling
08:01 – More account wide unlocks


38 thoughts on “HUGE Changes To Leveling, Shadowlands CUT OUT & Alpha Coming Soon”

  1. I hope they fix the Quest structuring for old content. Some in game cinematics/quests have been removed or were shown outside the game. It fragments the story line and puts them out of chronological order.

  2. Account wide story progression and reputation is fine. I guess it is more of an issue if there are borrowed power systems. I draw the line when it starts to pull you away from class identity. Having a distinctive main class or character is a big deal at least for me.

  3. When it comes to account wide things, I feel instead of just making it complete account wide, they should make a “squad” feature where your main has a squad of up to a certain amount of characters/alts in which they would vouch for. I mean the idea is that you have a new character and the reputations you grinded on one character wouldn’t automatically see another and be like “oh yeah we’ve never met but here you are exalted with us” but if they were in your “squad” it be like when you bring your buddy to a party and say “don’t worry, he’s with me” and they let him in with you, not because they know him, but because of the reputation with you.

    And if you were to do that, you could bypass some of the features that are locked with rep but still hold some behind the “prove yourself to our faction before we automatically give you everything” but have faster rep gains because they are tied to the main character, and your main would be able to speak up for them.

    I don’t know, I feel that it should be easier for us to gain rep and such with Alts since we’ve already done it, but it also defeats the games purpose to create a brand new character who, in the world itself, hasn’t proven anything or done anything to get the rep or rewards but yet reaps all the benefits. Just think it would be a fun way to incorporate the faster gains without just giving it to us

  4. account-wide honor gear! Grind entry lvl pvp gear one time per item, per patch!
    Or failing that, stacking % discounts for each time you buy the same/equivalent pvp honor item on different classes.

  5. Not true, even vanilla was released too soon and unfinished. Outland was suppose to be part of vanilla
    Great stuff though thanks! Enjoy listening to your commentary
    ! Shadowlands is added to cromie time?!? Who said that and when does that happen!
    I wonder if the maw will be level restricted 🚫 🤔

  6. I wish YouTubers and blizzard would quit preaching that the only thing good about Warcraft is end game. Why can't they stop that why won't they stop that and you included if all new players were allowed to group together and take their time and play the game there's a lot of content they could enjoy as new players instead of rushing to the end. Let them get there when they get there and enjoy the old content.

  7. If they don't push you into Shadowlands to do 10-50 (or whatever level), it only makes Shadowlands as obsolete as any other xpac, and I'm okay with that. Especially if we can choose to play through SL in Chromie Time. (I love shadowlands, personally.)

    I would DIE to see account-wide stuff expand! My only objection would be to reputations that are exclusive of other reputations, particularly ones that are needed for achievements. Examples: Bloodsail pirates vs. npc goblins; scryers vs. aldor, etc.

  8. BFA is a really bad choice for new player experience and they need to give us account wide rep levels, grinding the same reputations over and over on each new character is the worst and just plain stupid for them to make us do at this point

  9. Account-wide currencies sound good… only if you don't think about it. If they allowed that, then limits on earnable currencies per day would become unlimited. ie: "I did all my korthia dailies, but I don't have enough stigia/research. Well I can just hop on my alts and do those same quests to essentially multiply my stigia by each alt I have." Which, still doesn't sound too bad, but theres a reason the Valor cap exists. Hard-core players could funnel currency resources to one character and blow thru progression super fast. And suddenly you're at a disadvantage because you don't have as many alts as them.
    I like the idea of account-wide currencies, but probably should only be enabled on previous expansions.

  10. One currency I've always desired to be account wide was time warped badges. It really sucks when you can buy a 5k mount but you have 1k badges on several characters that are locked. I don't want to have to get each character to 5k just to buy the old mounts I like or have to have one single character that I do time walking on.

  11. Hate the dragon riding want to ride my ruby panther which I have been using for years and no housing. Nothing new just different artwork. Don't want to grind to level? Just buy a level 60. All pay to win now. All gear you pick up should be account wide.

  12. i think the devs just want to pretend Shadow Lands never happened..
    But we players that where put through that hell will never forget.

    i do hope Dragonflight turns out to be great for new player, but deep deep down? as an old player i just want to see wow to fail and shut down.
    i felt fully insulted by Blizzard and quite frankly i have been slowly letting the game go, it is just not for me anymore so i really do hope it can be good for new players at least.

  13. Back in Cata and MoP I dipped my toe into raiding, and I loved it. Raiding schedules was easy to keep too, because I just had to worry about school. I stopped raiding when I got my first job. Some PuG’s for Normal raids, but the days of hardcore raiding for me are done.

    I LOVE Alts. In MoP and Legion I had one of every class leveled to Max level with only one or two “mains”, which had a decent ILvl.

    Now I have maybe a couple of hours to play every day, so the only thing I can do is make some alts, or run some quick content. I’m sure there are many other players like me, and I would love it if they made systems that would help us to enjoy things WITHOUT harming the hardcore players, and the raiding community.

  14. Well, to be fair with the new player experience, from what I remember, the events of exiles reach take place basically at the same time of the burning of Teldrasill. So, it makes sense for it to stay rooted to BFA for the new player experience.

  15. The reason why they have catch up mechanics and not straight up unlocks is becuase cyphers for example are unlocked by a currency some which you can gain once per character and it would encourage character swapping to progress mich faster than intended.

  16. they should make war mode able to turn on in any rest area going back to org every time to turn it back on is really annoying. also should make it easier for new players to get groups for things cause waiting for a healer or tank is horrible. also need to take away people who wreck timed runs or raid to troll i hate those sure its funny a few times but when u get to the last boss and your heals leaves on a 10 or above or the tanks skips way too much or people not even dpsing is real bad for the game and make people not want to play it

  17. I enjoyed the new leveling myself. Also wanted a frost mage and i leveled one in a few days from 1-60 and enjoyed the experience.
    I have every class now paladin tank I enjoy the most , druid tank am learning about them from You Tube channels so hopefully I will progress with that one.
    I would also like to see some solo dungeon content, such as doing a certain dungeon with your covenant your pick an healer etc.


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