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With changes announced to the New World of Warcraft Shadowlands MegaDungeon Tazavesh one has to be excited but also a little annoyed.
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I hope i will enjoy this patch. I play as a Blood DK and was not able to succeed as much as i would have liked
This is why I am enjoying TBC, retail is really one size fits all and none of the classes have flavor. I'm enjoying the grind to gear up my holy priest in TBC, all the different loot is so exciting.
It will be uped for M+ split prob to max @LvL:15
I mean people should be “switching conduits,” but only to their BiS. 😀
Blizz is the master of making problems where they don't exist. They've turned gearing into a cluster fuck that didn't need to be. If the goal is to get more people into high end mythic plus and/or raiding, then make gear up to that point easily attainable. I still don't understand why they fucked with the gear drops in the dungeons at the start of the expansion and seem to be doing it again here. Let's say the minimum gear level is gonna be 250 for the next raid. Make it so there is a lot of gear available at 250, so people can jump into content content. Getting to 200 this expansion has seemed like a chore instead of something you just do. That's where Legion nailed it. If you did all the content, you were ready to raid.
I expect they will allow the gear to be upgraded from the M+ versions of Tazavesh once those are released later
when there's only one difficulty level and one item level the gear will drop at, it makes sense to not be upgradable to me, tbh
Ion doesn't have time to invest into minmaxing anymore, so everyone should suffer. Look at his eyes, he suffering.
I was nodding along to every word at the end Acco. That was the experience for classic raiders BC raiders all the way. Every other boss a new spec or a slight change to the talent tree. Bosses where you needed x amount of resistance armor. Changing the shamans from group to group on totem procs. I was a hardcore raider then a casual raider post wrath. The moment mythic difficulty as a whole came to the game its been less and less fun.
Mr. Accolonn, I said I will find a way to send you money. I love you and some other channels the most. Your works are great and new way. I am sorry, my bank and YouTube aren't friends and I can't support this neither another channel trought any way. I am sorry. I have tried until now. Here in Tatarstán is it obviously impossible! Damn! Damn! And Bank wants double confirmation and I don't know how to do it, not only abroad, but it often doesn't work in my own country! The only way I can send support is by putting money into an envelope and send it straight or use western Union or what is it.
I will be trying anyway.
i think the problem is the upgrades are intertwined with the M+ system
I know you said my wish to help counts, but I would be happier to help my favourite new form of entertainment and entertainer like you, who is such heavy working and great artist, criticist, creator of great entertainmentin, to obtain cash. You counting banknotes are counting more to me. I am again sorry for now.
I know you won't agree but there is more people who just rather not play wow bc of the complexity in the "customization" of skills than there's people who want no conduit energy, (im not in that wagon fyi) and that's why they're not doing it. It's not worth making the 1% happy if you lose casuals bc the 1% plays beta before everyone then 2-3months at launch and they're gone and whining that the game is blablabla. They don't even own their mistakes.
I think a lot of people (casuals) dont know what the fuck they're doing, and the more complex everything is the less attracted they are to play the game.
since the 1% dont actually play the world questing that was made for them to enjoy, Blizzard should put a 1000 anima cost when all their conduit energy is at 0 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA
reforging stats was fun! true