HUGE Class Buffs & Nerfs, Get Upgrade Crests Faster & Easier Raid Progression

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As we get closer to the War Within launch, class tuning changes become even more important and this week a lot of classes got big buffs or nerfs, so we’re going to go through those. There are also big changes to end game progression, including ways to get higher tiers of crests faster than before, and a raid buff that will make progression much easier.

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Timestamps –
00:00 – Huge Class Changes and end game reward updates
00:49 – Class changes
01:40 – Death Knight
02:19 – Demon Hunter
02:41 – Druid
04:28 – Evoker
05:05 – Hunter
06:26 – Mage
07:12 – Monk
07:58 – Paladin
09:40 – Priest
10:50 – Rogue
11:22 – Shaman
12:23 – Warlock
13:01 – Warrior
13:53 – Dungeon loot changes reverted
15:07 – Upgrade gear further
16:22 – Crafted gear more powerful?
17:22 – Get higher tiers of crests easier than before
18:17 – Mythic mount updates
18:57 – Easier raid progression


49 thoughts on “HUGE Class Buffs & Nerfs, Get Upgrade Crests Faster & Easier Raid Progression”

  1. Crazy question coming from a 17 year WoW vet… where the hell can I find this comprehensive list of class changes? I've looked on Wowhead's Blue Tracker and the Blizzard Content Update Notes. I don't see anything. I remember it used to be easy to see all of this stuff, but I must be having a stroke because I can't figure where to find it now. I wanted to screenshot the Boomkin changes to send to my wife.

  2. Ret paladins didn’t even get past the beta before we got neutered, again! Meanwhile, Havoc DH’s, the special olympians of the WoW community, got their goddamn eye beam buffed? Yo, to anyone in PvP who complains that rets do too much damage, 🖕🏾 lol

  3. You can hear kelani struggling to hold a laugh in reading the hunter nerfs. 5:20, additionally you can hear the surprised smile continue as he follows on to the survival changes. Blizzard is the best comedian around!

  4. My university English history professor would be having a stroke right now lol. Everyone has some stupid but serious pet peeves, and his was how people butcher the pronunciation of “justicar”


    Ah, the memories

  5. For anyone that is complaining about the long list of Ret nerfs, that crap was busted. I played Ret on beta and after 5 min I said "This will be nerfed". It was a bit ridiculous. I gathered over 10 mobs of the same level and melted them in 2 seconds. Literally 2 GCD's and they were all dead. I hit Wake and DS and they all fall down … LOL. These nerfs needed to happen. Ret was feeling stronger than it did during the original WOTLK prepatch at the end of BC.

  6. Thanks for another great video!! Your channel is the first one I go to for WoW news, your voice is calm and nice to listen to and I really like how easily digestible your format makes all the info. I'm picking Assassination rogue back up for this next expac so I'm quite happy with the buffs this week.

  7. Other than a few outliers, these buffs/nerfs go against everything iv watched about the War within classes. Every CC I've watched has said Arms is terrible and in a really bad place, holy pala is really strong, arcane mage is broken etc.

    Who do you believe?

  8. RIP BMs… I read that Laceration is actually bugged and does 70% of your crit damage over 6 seconds, rather than 15%/5%. Blizzard probably didn't know about the bug, hence the nerfs. Some of it may be reverted once they sort themselves out.

  9. Hmm…I play Demonology Warlock, and I can tell you that we did not need the buffs, I was doing just fine. Everyone else getting nerfs did not need to get nerfed. RIP Ret Paladins, I don't play them but I still feel bad for them. 30% dmg increase to Prot Warriors? REALLY LOL? Tip: Fire whoever is in charge of buffs and nerfs to classes.

  10. protection warrior doest need any buffs, the specc is doing massively huge damage portions in groups M+
    arms need the damage boost not nerfs because it lacks of ragestarving still and force you to play overpower talents and builds . you have 6 talents to buff execute damage here and there. still mortal strike hit harder than execute.
    the dev team working for warrior class is useless and have no brain to work in the class as it should be!

  11. So hate blizzard ever time find a class I like start to work on for being main they nerf it into ground I really think instead nerf they shloud just buff the other non performing spec up til they do


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