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In this video we cover Fire Mage tuning coming next week. OPEN FOR MORE INFO↧↧↧
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Wowhead article:
Sample talents for Frostfire Fire:
No Devis Buff for m+ 🙁
This put it ahead of arcane? And is first still on top?
Send that guide our way right now, please, sir!
When are these buffs happening?!?
wish arcane got some buffs 🙁
How do the buffs fare against the other specs?
The main character class get their attention again ✌️
what about FF in aoe ? Still worst ?
Are there also AOE Talents for frost fire from you?
Noooo SKB nooooo😢😢😢😢😢 the worst talent ever
no…. no! NOOO!!! god, OH GOD WHYYY WHYYYYYYYY!! we wanted a frost m+ guide mate. Let's aoe ey
all i ask for is to not having to play flamestrike build in aoe. Can we go for ignite build witf ff talent tree?
dope but I still miss SF arcane pre-nerf 🙁 the rotation felt so good – wish they could have tuned down the damage instead of completely changing the rotation
Fire buffs! Finally
they destroy sunfury fire now fire is viable and frostfire is better …. i hate skb…
Make a frost fire fire mage guide pls
How is stats for frostfire from
Thanks dude!!
I think the big question we are all asking, is how is it comparing to frost?
guide guide guide pretty pls
Will u make also a frostmage guide based on the frostfire hero talent?
What about frost frostfire mage ?
Blizzard once again refusing to leave fire weak😂😂
1.5m was the same as SL arcane, if that is the case, fire stonks are rising.
Can't wait to play anything other than frost competitively right now.
i was so into it until i saw SKB talented
I want to see where Fire will be compared to Frost and Arcane after these buffs
is FF hard to pick up ?
i'm very happy fire is finally buffed but pls where are the dev evoker buffs
hahahhaha hahahhahahahhaa this is buff ? this is again joke !!! what blizzard dont understand ! Increase pyro at least 15 %. After combustion increase all fire spells about 20% for 20 sec … and if crit pyro, flamestrike reduce CD on unlease inferno at least 1.25 not 1 !
great vid as usual 🙂
Addon name that changes your talents tab? with the selection on the RHS.
don´t enjoy arcan after the changes, don´t like frost all that much, very happy about the posibility that fire might be better now cause I always enjoyed fire. Although I never tried frostfire so i´m looking forward to wether it´s fun.
Fire Frostfire was the build I was looking forward to when beta was out.
Pls no skb again … pls nooo
as the number 1 fire mage even i have been asking for fire mage buffs so excited to try this out
Whats wrong with SKB? As a non mage player lol
But will it really be competitive? Idk
Hi are those buffs enough to overtake arcane or frost in m+/raid?
Good, thansk for that man, wating on the guide
Could you make a rough explanation about how specs compare to each other now?
Like is frostfire fire comparable to ss frost in m+ for example?
make fire mag great again