HUGE Nerfs To Endgame Paving The Way For 9.1? WoW Shadowlands

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I do my usual “read through the blue post” thing but this time with a hefty number of hotfixes targeting endgame content now that the MDI and AWC have ended. How big of a step is this towards Shadowlands moving onto 9.1?
And can I get more than one Prideful please?

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16 thoughts on “HUGE Nerfs To Endgame Paving The Way For 9.1? WoW Shadowlands”

  1. eh, its OK.. i log in to do the maw and to raid.. otherwise mythics feel "meh" yeah i could push for higher keys but not really motivated. 9/10 i dont get anything in return except a better vault once a week. theres not much "fun" to look forward to at the moment. im not really a fan of pvp in wow but i feel like its required in order to do more difficult stuff and id rather just go do something else instead.

  2. I'm already on a sabbatical from WoW. My guild almost cleared HC Narnia and I don't particularly feel like playing it. This feels like i ran out of content real fast real soon. I even cba to level and/or gear alt at this point.

  3. Pvp changes were a joke. I feel like game devs just type up “Patch Notes” but never really implement them. They definitely don’t play test their games before release.

  4. This is the best expac ever. The people that complain about everything should play something else. I have been playing for over 10 years and not even legion or panda land was half as good as this.

  5. i like to log in, a lot. every day feels like i have something i can do to meaningfully progress my character, but i still don't get overwhelmed. also, m+ dungeons should have better rewards, but the dungeons themselves are fantastic. i got my keystone conqueror yesterday!

    a big feelbad is the anima system. lots of cool things to do and earn, but i'm broke on it and can't muster enough patience to do the new, lengthier world quests.

  6. Wtf was going on with prideful in the dungeon in the background?
    I'm having a lot of fun this expansion btw, glad you asked, I like the changes and am looking forward to the next patch 🙂 My limited time feels valuable, as I only run 10-ish mythics each week on whatever level I can manage for the vault, and do the raid on normal and/or heroic

  7. I just starting to hate this game, as resto druid who was playing pvp I'm so sad and flustrated by such small nerfs. Why am I so weak? Why are disc priests/resto shammy or Holly palladins the only healers people are looking for? Why the fuck blizzard doesn't see how those 3 specs are almost 30x times more popular than druids or monks.

  8. Finally, the ending of Plaguefall has the most ridiculous ending out of all the dungeons in my opinion. Badly needed a nerf. Same thing with the final 3 adds on Spires, last guy was way OP and would cause wipes for no reason. As a prot pally I'm with you man, Necrotic Wake is definitely my least favorite dungeon.


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