HURRY UP! 60k-70k Gold/Hr Shadowlands Solo lvl 60 Goldfarm

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We are looking at a world of warcraft goldfarm, in fact a shadowlands goldfarm! This is a solo goldfarm that gives an insane amount of steady gold by farming Callous Hide, Heavy Callous Hide, Desolate Leather, Heavy Desolate Leather + cooking materials such as Tenebrous ribs. I would even take it as far and say that its one of the best goldfarms that you can possibly do at the moment!
This farm is very good right now because its “love is in the air” even in world of warcraft, so you can do the whole ” Lovely Charm Farm ” At the same time as you grab steady gold using skinning!
The lovely Charms is converted into Lovely Charm Bracelets before they are converted into Love Tokens , that can be used to purchase the mount ” Swift Lovebird”.

Result from 1hr session of running:
370 charms = 7 hrs for mount (28.5k gold avrg)
2560 desolate =11k gold
299 callous hide = 10k
39 heavy callous = 13k
65 heavy deso = 3k gold
1k gold in meat
TOTAL: 66.5k
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18 thoughts on “HURRY UP! 60k-70k Gold/Hr Shadowlands Solo lvl 60 Goldfarm”

  1. My man must be on the lowest pop server ever, where Desolate Leather is more than 4g per and the mount is around 200k. On any higher pop server this is around 30k per hour, but since the market is so saturated it might take days to sell those mats, and they will most likely drop further

  2. I forgot about this spot. My hunter skinner and a friend on his prot pally farmed the heck out of this spot in the first few weeks.
    Splitting the profits was how we got our first legendary's in 9.0. Great spot.

  3. If your a level 45 to 50. The Eye is a great place to farm. Ive spent the last 4 days there. Its definitely not nerfed. I screwed up and let my took level to 51 and can no longer farm there however. Stupid Me! That will teach me not to pay attention! Lol.

  4. Damn you Studen! I've been farming here because all your low-level farms are massively overpopulated.
    I guess I'll have to find another one now. 😊
    Good info for all the goblins out there.

  5. It is possible to buy a mount without farming at all. I'm on track to get two mounts on two servers, which I plan on selling (since I already own it). Between running the dungeon, doing the dailies, and trading in a lucky bracelet to the leaders with extra Lovely Charms (don't even need to do all four every day), it adds up to that much. I have been doing the above on my two mains while I also just play current SL stuff (I'm very behind). I don't recommend this as a way to farm, but it works for me. Personally, I love doing the quests and participating in the event, and it gives me a reason to log in every day.


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