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I’m a Panda simp 🙁

ARCANE EPISODES 1-6 FULL Reaction on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/TwentyTwoHya

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17 thoughts on “I AM PANDA SIMP?! "MISTS OF PANDARIA" REACTION | World Of Warcraft”

  1. People say start with battle for azeroth because they're the most story intensive and actually tell a cohesive tale. The previous expansion cinematics are more just introducing their locations and people in a cool way with a little bit of the narration to give the backstory. They are all excellent, but the order doesn't matter too much for the first few if you don't have any knowledge of warcraft history in the first place :/

  2. Some people will complain about this expansion but I personally loved it. The whole Asian and Chinese inspired Architecture of the zones was so well done and is something I enjoy in the real world as well. The story itself was pretty good as well, at least to me.
    The Pandaren were not originally even part of WoW and were actually a creation and idea from Samwise Didier (WoW Dev) as an April Fools joke. However people fell in love with them. First time you saw them in game was in Warcraft 3 when they put Chen Stormstout in. Blizzard then ended up making this entire expansion around the Pandaren and Pandaria and adding the Pandaren as a playable race in game with the Monk being the new class you could play.

  3. You don't have to worry that much about the order of ingame stuff, at least for Mists of Pandaria and onwards to Battle for Azeroth. On the YT channel Xal exist Mist of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion and Battle for Azeroth: The Movie. As far as i know the these have almost every ingame cutscene in one video. But for Lichking and Shadowlands you have to look for other sources.

  4. Like many other Warcraft reacter before you have started in BFA and then started from Warcraft 3 then go on TheBurningCrusader Patch cinematics then so on to Wrath of the Lich King and so on until Shadowlands the current expansion.

    Warcraft 3 is like the root of World of Warcraft

  5. There actually was a part two to that cinematic, in a pub.

    Many's the fool who felt that the Pandaren and Pandaria were rip offs of Kung fu panda a film franchise that began in 2008.
    The Pandaren were added to Warcraft in 2002, though Chen Stormstout (the guy in this cinematic) was introduced in early 2004 with Warcraft 3 the Frozen Throne.


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