I BROKE TORGHAST WITH THIS BUILD! // World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

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Huge shoutout to N4Bz for discovering this completely broken combo in Torghast and sharing it with me! Try it out before it’s nerfed xD if you’ve got other OP builds, post them in the comments so other people can try them out too 🙂

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Thanks for watching, see you all next time! 😀

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33 thoughts on “I BROKE TORGHAST WITH THIS BUILD! // World of Warcraft: Shadowlands”

  1. Here's what I had fun with on my WW monk:
    –Touch of death with no cooldown and epic power that makes it hit up to 4 other mobs
    –stack HP buffing powers for tankiness and easier chance for touch of death casts (esp on later floors)
    –Xuen duration increased 150% and castsfirst time in combat on a floor (can use it back to back)
    –Xuen buffed to summon 3 other celestials

    Was hilarious while clearing floors and strong on bosses (although not one shot level ofc)

  2. playing my havoc dh i was using a conduit cold growing inferno thatt increases the damage of immolation aurra by 10% each time it ticks and there's an anima power that refreshes the duration of immolation aura as long as u deal damage. so the damage keepss increasing indefinitely. unforttunately it would reset every floor cuz of the loadiing the aura would run out lol

  3. Warriors have +100% execute damage from a rare, that makes execute always useable
    a generic power again that increases damage by 200% after charge/leap
    a power that stacks condem damage up to 100´%

    and finaly one that stacks all damage taken by 30% if affected by a shout (goes to 150´)

    combo all of them for 1,5 million condem crits

  4. Used something similar with stacking Drain Soul for warlocks to one shot floor 18 bosses in Twisting Corridors the first week it came out. Even with the last one on layer 8 having 7.5 million health he still got vaporized.

  5. Unfortunately the Cruelty Censor power is Priest only. But still a great way to clear Torghast for priests. It's been in the game since launch and it hasn't been touched, so maybe they're okay with it?

  6. The most broken build right now is using the dogs special. Using the power that buffs their health x00%, the power that buffs their damage x00% but causes them to lose health while in combat and the power that causes them to blow up for x00% of their health when they reach critical low health. The goal is to actually let them die each pull which is easy to do with that lose health in combat power. They then blow up for MILLIONS in damage.

  7. Cool, I'd been doing Frostbite Wand, and then the stacking Death Harvester… Basically, cast SW:P and then SW:D and use two instant cast spells to kill almost everything in two globals. Rapid fire death.

  8. A really good spriest combo is to get Volatile Phantasm (epic fade ability) mixed with 2 Fragments of Obscurity (to reduce fade cooldown) and then a thing of Mawrat spices. It puts fade on a 10 second CD and pretty much makes it so outside of specific casted spells, you'll never take damage again as a spriest

  9. Turns out the website I used to get the anima power info for the video had incorrectly listed Cruelty Censer as a generic power, unfortunately it is priest only so this will only work for priests 🙁

  10. For priest, I think the most convenient and reliable build for Torghast is the Power Word: Shield and HP Increase powers. Stacking Max HP powers, PW:S HP Scaling powers, and PW:S reflecting powers. All of these powers are in the common tier, so they're seen very often in regular anima nodes and are relatively cheap in shop. The nature of the build makes you extremely tanky, and your damage is proportionally increased by enemy mob scaling. If you get Catharstick anima powers as well, remember that damage done to your shield will contribute to catharstick damage stored. It does not need to effect your health points to absorb damage.

    This build won't one-shot most things, or even clear a floor as fast as you might like, but it is very safe, reliable, and the powers are common enough to be built every single run.

    Now this build might be boring to some, as all you do is PW:S on cooldown and wait for the enemies to wittle themselves down, but other people might find it fun being terribly invincible.

  11. all though im sure it wasnt necessary for this run anytime i get horrific dictionary, once i get to a broker I respec to holy and cast all their word spells and the disc and cast theirs. You can get like 9+ stacks and then spec back to shadow and only have to cast one word spell every 5 minutes to keep it up. Iv had upward of almost 7k int and makes everything hit hard. these have been my best runs. I always go for int/haste boosts.

  12. Disc priest, 4 cruelty, the one that does +15% dog per floor for -5% max hp, 3 holy dictionary with 9 words, red hot mind poker, 7 catharsticks. Total glass cannon 126k dps on layer 5 floor 18 but only 44k hp

  13. As a Venthyr Havoc Demon Hunter, the best and most reliable build u can run is the Blade Dance+50% dmg x5, Blade Dance 15% CDR x3- x4, Blade Dance 15% chance to dodge after casting Blade dance x4, Eyebeam 20% chance to not be put on Cooldown x 4, Immune to dmg while channeling Eyebeam x1, Door of Shadows 40% dodge chance x2, Door of Shadows reduced cast time after each cast, stacking up to 10 times( making it instant cast at 10 stacks). this combo don't use any gimmicks or anything but it will make u virtually unkillable.

  14. Hey Nubkeks

    Love your videos! Shadow Priest as well. I also use the CC dmg amp power – get it almost every time it's a option – and I pair that with a Catharstick, or the similar power that stores dmg for mind blast (or if you're running Holy then Holy Fire), and any other dmg amp power (the 5 sec after Mind Games that gives 100% extra dmg, the 20% dmg amp on targets between Door of Shadows locations, initial crit from Pain/Purge etc.) Fill in with stacking health as high as possible to raise the ceiling for your Catharstick or Mind Blast dmg storage power. *Pro tip, most floors with the boss have some way you can receive dmg even without having adds, either from traps or fall dmg from stairs, or even just going into boss and tanking some dmg before using it. So if you burned your stick you can build it back up/heal up your Mind Blast storage.

    CC dmg amp 3-5+ stacks (105% – 175%+)
    Mind Games dmg amp (100%)
    Door of Shadows dmg amp (20%)
    Health Pool (60k-100k)
    Catharstick (max health)
    Mind Blast (max health x 2)

    Pull with Mind Games, Door of Shadows to other side of boss, fear/stun, wait ~2 sec for Mind Games window, Mind Blast/Holy Fire, Pain/Purge. Dead boss 😀

    Best part about this build is even if you don't get EVERYTHING, what you end up with is always enough to finish off the boss even if the fight is longer than a one shot, AND it's fairly immune from being nerfed since it takes in many reasonable spells.

    Btw, I noticed your Horrific Dictionary stacks were at 4 and you can get them up to 10 stacks by changing specs/talents to get all the word spells at vendor (I've once gotten 4 Dictionaries = 200% Int) BUT some spells must be used on a target so you can use on boss at end, wipe, keep your buff and start fresh at 10 stacks per Dictionary. Or if you're clever, use them on a target dummy or some breakables/mawrats before I go to final boss (I always leave at least 3 or 4 just incase I need to use a chastise/solace).

    Keep making videos!

  15. scales of trauma build for 9 mill mindblast crits with the caut wand power that makes SwP deal dmg based on how much dmg you´ve taken, 9 mill mindblasts and 4 mill SwP! 🙂 cleared layer 8 twisting at 199 ilvl

  16. I was going to say a fun combo for DK but that 5M DMG spell was nuts. But as blood, I enjoy stacking skull bloomer x3, undertaker's crown, monstrous concoction x5, and I've had 1 run where I had like 600k hps so my healing was crazy. Not 1 shot but even boss on layer 6 in twisting went down in about 30 seconds

  17. Demo is crazy. You can get a 300k hp felguard and stack the trait that gives you an extra demonic tyrants with the demonic consumption talent you warp in like 5 tyrants that drain the felguards hp and absolutely truck.

    I done it with destro too using wilfreds legendary summon infernal was giving me 6 infernals generating more shards than I could spend. Get a few reduced cd powers and you can get 1min cd on infernal. +50% primary demon damage also applies to the infernals I was doing 60k single target with that build. Hell fun but not as one shot as the demo build


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