I Caught These Players Wintrading In World of Warcraft PvP…

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42 thoughts on “I Caught These Players Wintrading In World of Warcraft PvP…”

  1. Can't they just use the same addon, that those scummy players use for screwing epic bgs with premades? Boosted Dps player queues with 2 boosting healers and the addon tells them exactly when their queue pop is the same. Might be the reason you have to requeue so often, because "someone missed the queue".

  2. i think its more common then u think atm in wow. i report all i suspect of win trading or griefing games. its in a bad spot atm especially with all the boosted glads stuck at 1800 cause they got boosted an cant climb on there own

  3. cmon blizzard give us 2v2 dps shuffles with 3 rounds and fast ques .. no healers .. or just standard solo 3v3 game with one game only. This wintrading of 6 rounds is crazy.

  4. I should find this post on the wow forums. But I literally saw a post where a dps suspected that someone was win trading so they called them out and then they got literally banned for being toxic. They appealed the decision and I shit you not – the customer service rep said that the ban was upheld for being toxic and said that they found that they were accusing people of win trading. Not only is Blizzard never, ever going to fix win trading, they will ban you for hurting the feelings of the win trader.

  5. It happened to me, when i played vs some warrior (from some russian server), that i had unplayable delay on skills. I didnt lag, i could move, but when i press any spell, it needed like 3-5 sec to activate. And it was in 2 matchups in like 5 days. I remebered his transmog but not his name. Ive been told that there is a software that makes you lag , but as i said, it was not classic lag, i could move normaly, but spells wouldnt go off. I made a ticket in game asking blizz to check him. Idk if they did anything

  6. that's why the solo should never exist. Not only broke the 3v3 2v2 but also broke the solo itself…I love playing solo sometimes, but I still have to admit it is a cancer for pvp.

  7. Why make a video about this? it's clearly within the rules, the paladins just had a bad day.. Blizzard can't see their PayPal transactions.

    btw: you can block shuffle queue pops by afk'ing in a solo instance like proving grounds for as long as you want, then when you leave it's like you're at the front of the shuffle queue.. it's pretty easy to snipe.. especially with healer boosters cause they just decline the queue pop until it hits yours.

  8. note : alt+f4 = loss insta removal from the match acts like leave game .. all tho using like VPN and DC the VPN while keeping the game on counts as DC and you may return to the match within x amount of sec's .. from the look at the rating at the end of the match , tells me this guy is behind a VPN and it wasnt alt f4 , anyways regardless to be fair – if the connection truly disconnected him then it counts as "you may return to the match within x amount of sec's".. dunno if that make sense to you guys but this is the system of wow.

  9. i am pretty new in pvp, i wanted to know if is important to have the current rating on your best mark possible for any possible reward or something or the game understands that i had reached that rating? I mean, i am in 2100 and somebody told me that i can have a reward for that at the end of the season but i am afraid to push some more and lose that rating. Sorry about my english and thanks 😀

  10. I don't que shuffle during the daytime because the win trading is so bad. It's usually very noticeable. With the population decline, it's become more prevalent because it's easier to do with less people to have to sift through. Especially at ratings above 2k where the amount of players drop's off a cliff.


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