I found a way to farm 2000 anima per hour in WoW Shadowlands

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I actually came across a way to farm unlimited anima at a rate of 2000 per hour in World of warcraft shadowlands expansion.

This is a bug/exploit – Take advantage at your own risk.

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@blizzard please don’t ban me.


7 thoughts on “I found a way to farm 2000 anima per hour in WoW Shadowlands”

  1. I found out there's an achievement where if you do the quest 10 times you get the exact umbrella appearance you see me wearing in the video.

    Or you can just pick up the umbrella and not do the quest as I did.

    Did anyone use this technique at all?

  2. yo in all respect please remove this video if it gets publicity blizz could find out before the quest flushes out and can result in a lot of us and even urself being banned <3


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