I Love My Druid – Renfail Plays World of Warcraft

Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

Let’s play World of Warcraft with Renfail as he talks about his growing love of the druid class.

To follow along as Renfail plays World of Warcraft make sure to check out the playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZZ6iXOxUbMepN4Pbi2D4fAGndSK0Wlku

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#worldofwarcraft #letsplay #renfail


6 thoughts on “I Love My Druid – Renfail Plays World of Warcraft”

  1. I would like to see some new redesign in druid tree. Where you can play multiple form in same time. Not only bear for tank, balance for moon and cat for dps.. so combo of all together would be very nice

  2. I've played WOW on and off since BC. I started with a Pally and then, when maxed, tried a Druid and have never looked back. I have alts that I play from time to time and for some weeklies and such but, I always go back to the druid. Right now, I'm Feral on my alliance druid and balance on my horde druid but have played all specs and go back and forth on them. Hands down my favorite class. We also get dynamic flight with our flight forms in war within and i cannot wait.

  3. It's awesome when you find a class you click with. I only have 1 character, a shaman dwarf. She is my everything 😂 We could use new/better wolf shapes, though. Druids get all the fun 😔


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