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Today I present my retrospective review of cataclysm classic in 2024. Should you play cataclysm classic? We will cover topics like the endgame, leveling, class deisgn and much more!
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First. And cata is still goated for me. I love it to no end 🙂
That buff for the open world after completing a dungeon is actually a great idea! I love me some cata and love me some wpvp which is why I'm on grobbulus and that would make it even better. I also agree that the raid locking is garbage.
Loads of people will just regurgitate whatever their favourite streamer says without even giving it a chance
Cataclysm leveling was good, even had some call backs from the pre – cata version quests or even continued the story of them. But overall the expansion was overly mid in my opinion. Cataclysm is definitely better than Shadowlands.
But you’ll never please Classic Andy’s, they just want to live in the memories of their childhood. If anything, they are closer to retro gamers for MMO’s. But less than a gamer, since they probably only play this one game.
Everyone in my guild keeps saying they are surprised how much they're having raiding in cata.
Sorry but i dissagree i hate 25m raiding it feels suffocating to me i love 10m it feels like a baseball team once everyone knows there jobs on each fight communcation is so much easier
I lvled several classes to 85: hunter, dk, shaman, warrior, pala.
I was hoping to check which one is fun. And appreciate they are all fun
Broh, in Retail people can also group to do Raids and stuf togheter, u dont need to be solo spaming dg finder, this is what u do becouse want to do it, u dont need a game obeing u to do stay in the same realm and know people becouse u are unsocial and uncaplebe to made a group in a videogame. Have tons og guilds and social groups on Retail doing stuf toghether open your mind. Dont blame the game becouse u want to other players being avaiable to u becouse u are enable to even find a good guild.
If you have been apart of any 25 man raids especially when it comes to heroics the ammount of loot item drops is insane. theres no reason to have 10s be on a sep lockout like it used to be when it gives the same gear.
I started playing very late WOTLK, so my real WOW experience was started in Cata. I leveled a Warrior in Classic to 60, and I think it was by far the best WOW experience I ever had. But, I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited to give Cata a nice, nostalgic run. It was, after all, my first adventure into ACTUALL MMORPG games.
Played on vanilla before and first time cata. Game is ok they made a lot of stuff easier to do and a lot. But u can see from start if u lvl char from 1 that 70% of world is empty becuase most of people have already done it and just do cata stuff thats why world feels empty. But i can understand apeal of Cata good dungeons and good pvp like its a good game
I never played cata when it came out so i was excited to give it a try. So far i really dont think its very casual friendly and this may be because of the community. No one has any patience for people who are learning the content and trying to grind heroics is a nightmare. People try to kick anyone for any reason now. I got kicked because i couldn't keep up with the pace of the group and kept going oom trying to heal so they replaced me. One group i was in tried to kick this shaman just for stopping to loot the corpses. Everyone is super picky who joins their raids too. So far the people are ruining cata for me 🙁
I love how you say vanilla players have a "classic Andy mindset" as an insult, as if you're not a classic Andy who's been making (and is still making) classic content for multiple years straight.
as a GM and raid lead, being able to do a 10m that's much more tight-knit and easy to organize – where it's also much easier to communicate and keep a roster of talented, committed players – and not having to worry about the nightmare that is 25m guild managing is one of the most enjoyable things about cata so far. I get enjoying 25m raiding more, so I'm glad the option's there for those who prefer it. But having the option to main 10m and get the same loot (an atmosphere which a lot of people enjoy more) is enormous for me
If people had to travel to the dungeons the first time they did them you'd see more people while leveling as long as people are leveling, also this stops people from not knowing where the dungeons or associated graveyards are
Cata is an entirely different game to the classic trio, you either liked it back in the day or you dont.
It was never my expansion and still isnt tbh.
Good and fair review though 🙂
cata was a good expansion, i remember getting into forum fights over this. A lot of people are just dumb and prefer to follow the current instead of actually testing the waters themselves, it sucks, but it is what it is
who cares about mainstream opinions just a bunch of repeaters without critical individual thinking
Cata might not be looked back on fondly by a whole lot of people, but I was recently bitten by the MMO bug again and decided to pick WoW back up after years off. I played Shadowlands for a month or two and kinda lost interest in the story plus I thought that the endgame zone's gimmick was sorta stupid, but last time I played with any sort of regularity was Cata through WoD. I hope that I get a chance to experience WoW's peak era at some point, but frankly, I'm still having fun in Cata. I enjoy the world freshly scarred by Deathwing, I strangely enjoy Vashj'r in spite of my usual aversion to water sections in games, The heroics I'm grinding for my justice and valor points are fun and give a nice challenge for a group of better geared players. I'm hoping once I'm geared up and properly brimped out with all the heroic gear and rep gear I need that I can get into some raiding with the guild I'm in!
it was a rubbish expansion that grew far to slow . and was painful to play at times.
Decent video, GG
played it to lv 30 and hated every second.
Levelled to max. Did all the heroics and pre-bis. Cleared all the raids on release night. Havent felt the urge to log back on since.
I dont know if its the expansions fault or if ive just finally reached the end of how invested I can feel.
25man still feels like the easier to progress raid, because mistakes are mitigated 250% compared to 10 man. On the other hand having 10 consistent and skilled players makes up for even having to mitigate errors in the first place. I do enjoy having more people in a raid group as well, but that part is just personal preference. Ultimately I see no downside to letting 10man raids drop the same loot, but I think the option of a lower gear ilvl version of the raid (like 10 man in wotlk) has benefits too and honestly as much as people dislike it, I think that's where LFR comes in. Imo they should just gives us LFR now.
Looks like you should have farmed zinny in the prepatch
Cataclysm was the expansion that took WoW to the next phase, not only as it removed vanilla completely from the game but it changed the game. BC and Wrath was addons to vanilla while Cata was a step to a new game.
Cataclysm end game raiding may be good, but we still have to play the rest of the game in its current state which is pathetic and a tax too high that most of us unsubscribed
Blizzard got really good at making dungeons and raids, they should have just made a separate dungeon game where you get a hero similar to LoL where the level up / item process is simple
but instead you waste 50% of the game time running chores to pay blizzard bots scraping the game
Cataclysm sucks
I really want to play tbc again…. I think wow peaked in tbc, for me been a decline since.
Cata gets a bad rep, mainly for changing a few parts of the overworld and Dragon Soul being a bit lackluster for a final raid…. but overall I think it did alot of good things. For most part, new additions and changes to classes were good, talent revamp and mroe baseline abilities. As a Shaman I liked alot of the new additions for the class and Enhancement spec… all specs really. The starter leveling experience was better and mroe streamlined too, with powerful class spec defining abilities at lvl 10 and just more fun stuff like procs in your rotation. And you had heroic options for dungeons/raids which gave some actual proper challenge in difficulty for people who can handle it. Plus stuff like currencies, honor/valor/justice/conquest ect to make gearing easier….. reforge and txmog and all that. I think alot of people are realizing that Cata is better then they thought.
I kinda like that its not 10 and 25m. Im already at the point where my main only have one day raiding, and my alt gets a second day. In wrath i had 3 alts by icc. Doing 6 raids a week for a long time was to much.
back on the day when cata came out i was happy with all the changes. but now i realize when you have things like dungeon finder and easy quests you don't need a crew / group / friends on the game any more.
wow is an mmo and mmos are social game at the core. when you encourage solo play for majority of the game you eliminate that social aspect and the mmo "dies" and feels like it is something else.
the end game heroics get more difficult so it also further divides the players who are trying to play together leading to more toxic encounters with the people you do interact with.
cata is not the worst but it's also not that good just something to do for now.
I have 5 toons leveled up with full bloodthirsty gear, balance druid, bm hunter, arcane mage, shadow priest and ele shaman.
They all feel awful to play I think it's mostly the low crit, 19% is my highest toon.
Just doing the Tol Barad dailys is a near death experience on all but my hunter, the mobs hit way to hard for non elites and the lack of crit makes them too hard to kill not to mention the self healing classes heals are stupid weak. (moonkin armor is nerfed to hell as well as starfall)
I went into cata with a positive attitude and I can't keep it up anymore, so far cata sucks arse.
This video is not exactly informative it's just u droning on about what the cata features are
vanilla is so ass idk how people still play it
hard disagree on the raid lockouts, i really like not having"" to do 10 and 25 man on multiple chars week in week out
Cata is the death of classic game design and the born of modern game design aka retail-like (well honestly it was slowly happening since tbc, but the destruction of old world zones marks it as the most visually changing). The game is not bad and there are enjoyable features in it. Yet the principles that make vanilla and classical mmo's do not apply to it anymore.
Classic Andy’s stay winning.
The difficulty of a raid should be the organization of 40 people before hand. 90% of the effort should be before the raid even starts. 10% should be executing the plan and using the consumes you have farmed the week before.
Yes cata was fine but the problem is if you wanted to do old stuff that's it's no longer possible. Also we all know where this is leading to in the future
10 man is overwhelmingly better , most agree. Love the content Man, but looking forward to the cata downfall coming.