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I have never played World of Warcraft. Here is the uncut first few hours of me playing the game. Audio and video quality will Improve.
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just pick up the quest next time so you dont need to find them again 🙂
Thank you so much for your continued support guys and gals <3
Coffe ? 3 spoons of instant Coffe , 1 and half Sugre and a little milk 🙂 the coffeine quanity is the same but taste better :))
What happened to your weapon?
you should watch all the wow cinematics learn more about lore and charters you will meet in war with in next expansion
If you're looking for something like a bank in a capital city you can ask some of the guards where to find it.
The guards that can show you have a little scroll icon when you mouse over them.
I would just skip the rumble foil stuff for now if I were you.
It's only for cosmetics and it's a time sink.
OH, the reason why it says you need to repair your weapons is because you have switched to Arms spec and Arms only uses one 2h weapon and you have 2 equiped still.
Just drag the weapon from your off hand into you bags.
1 gold = 100 silver , 1 silver = 100 copper
At the auction house ui under filters you can check usable items only and it will show you weapons for your current level. You can also toggle the cost from lowest to highest at the top of the cost column.
There is a transmogifier in the capital cities like stormwind, just ask a guard. You can change armor appearances for a cost or hide their appearances for free. I always hide helm because i dont like the way they look.
13:30 The Rumble game machine is only for collecting toys you can place down and show other people what you got. You need the coins to actualy get the toys but the foil (that is the thing you have) upgrades the toys into higher tier. The toys aren't important and after two years basically everyone has all of them by now xD. Free stuff is still free stuff. The machines are in stormwind harbor and valdracken's inn on the second floor. They will have a blue "?" or '!" over them.
13:38 get used to big shoulder pads , the wow art team loves em xD.
41:10 you can filter on the top right of that screen to only see armor you have collected yourself. It is easier to find the stuff you have for sure. but also it's better for your mentel health like you said not seeing all the helmets in the game.
42:50 How did you not get 5 points for that? They cheated you FR FR. Now the game gots you hooked. Fair games xD