This was a bit janky, but it was just a rough and dirty way for me to kick off a series where I will be running through the Shadowlands beta, and sharing my comments as someone that enjoys Classic, but not so many of the retail game design choices. The purpose is insight, and I’d love to hear your thoughts too!
I agree that open world is too easy, but the lvling experience, in classic, is off putting for new gamers who need instant gratification. Classic lvling wasn't hard, just time consuming. You could say that classic raids are too easy, and need to be made harder.
This was a bit janky, but it was just a rough and dirty way for me to kick off a series where I will be running through the Shadowlands beta, and sharing my comments as someone that enjoys Classic, but not so many of the retail game design choices. The purpose is insight, and I’d love to hear your thoughts too!
Salty af lol
These classic Andy’s out here dedicated
I agree that open world is too easy, but the lvling experience, in classic, is off putting for new gamers who need instant gratification. Classic lvling wasn't hard, just time consuming. You could say that classic raids are too easy, and need to be made harder.
The smoothest voice in the business
Riiiight, social interaction Mr. 'I wanna solo queue WSG cause I wanna do my own thing' lol
U Made a Thotadin? Next you'll roll a rogue and make this an anime channel?