I Reviewed Every Mythic+ Disband of Shadowlands Season 2…

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0:00 Intro
5:02 Disband Reviewing Clips


46 thoughts on “I Reviewed Every Mythic+ Disband of Shadowlands Season 2…”

  1. was doing a pug ToP 20 last night (horde), had a 3k rated hunter in group, was absolute trash – first, he was BM in a key…secondly, didn't interrupt anything, got one shot by bone spikes, nerd raged/quit group while clearing platform trash to the caster boss

  2. at 20:33, you didn't miss the soak because you were slowed, it was because you took a bad route to the soak and soulshaped in the wrong direction.
    After you killed the first soak add you stood there/ stutter stepped the wrong way and wasted 2 seconds, you can just jump spam through the middle or soulshape through the middle instead of walking around like you tried.

    also at 21:20 you go into boss with no bone shield stacks no runic power no dancing rune weapon and your blaming your group for pressuring you into pulling boss.
    I like the video, but it's a little cringe watching you try to blame everyone when your mistakes are glaringly obvious.

  3. Season 2 really was the absolute worst for keys. I got the wind kicked out of me so much so many times dealing with bad luck, toxic pugs among other things that I just lost complete interest in doing keys for the vault gear and even the mount all together, for that whole season as I watched a ton of people running around in their mountain dew mist mounts I could see them only as a reminder of how it was a fitting mount for such a toxic season.

  4. The scrup run/wipe and subsequent follow up vid and reference in your live stream chat is one of my all time favorites. Metro you are a legend. I saw that Growl watched your season 1 review vid last night and was hoping this would make a comeback. Thanks for continuing to stream, post and provide your views and feedback on WoW.

  5. The testicular fortitude necessary to subject oneself to this much pug nonsense is truly awe inspiring. These shenanigans are why I don't go much over a 15 in a pug and pray to the loot gods that I get useful gear from the vault.

  6. Jeez, I think folks may be too scared to leave your keys now 😀 I still think about that mage that blamed the wrong player and left the key: The lesson being that it's okay to make a mistake; it's okay to make a mistake about a mistake, but rage quitting about it makes someone a complete bell-end

  7. I watched your content a lot during BFA, got me into trying my dk alt as a tank as well , nothing serious just boosting 15s for gold and it was a good learning curve.
    Fun to see your still going. Would also be cool to see different tank spec, even a 0 to hero on a blank char thru seasons just to see more of this gold depletion content. It's actually hilarious how the community is.
    Right now I've got all tanks around 270-278 and sitting on 2.5-2.8. Main is only 3k, reason for no higher push is that the pug community is exactly like this.

    Nothing is more tilting than someone who dont do their dps/interrupts and leaves 30 min in the dungeon before last trash packs or bosses due to their own mistakes.

  8. Remember your videos from Legion but you fell completely off of my Youtube feed at some point. Saw your content on Growl's video recently, funny stuff

  9. I am only 1/3 into this video and I'm already loving it! This is amazing content. I don't run 20+ keys, but I run a lot of 15ish pug keys in general, and this stuff happens literally all the time. I love it! Keep up the great work, because it's very entertaining.

  10. I honestly will not play with anyone from the oce servers. I forget which specific server it is but i have to say at LEAST 90% of my disbands are caused by players from that server. I believe there may be a language barrier but damn man no one even blames anyone sometimes and they just leave. I think players are taking M+ way more serious than they need to and are completely forgetting to have some damn fun lmao. Ive had a run where we died a million times when we were trying to learn a fight and no one left (if i remember correctly we were doing a +11with crazy modifiers along with inadequate gear at the time, however, it was still super fun even with the wipes). I truly hate when people join pugs and dont prepare for someone to be fairly new and allow time to learn but idk.

  11. I also agree with the big point in people just realising they make mistakes and own up to it. Everybody makes mistakes, even high end players make mistakes when they are tired or not focused or trying smt new and you learn from it, simple as that. This attitude of people not owning up to making a mistake and just denying it, also keeps them from learning from it most the time. Yes its just a video game, but its a game you and other people are in working together to get stuff done, so you rob people of their time and yourself as well when you do that. I cant understand why people would do that.
    Especially on like lower keys, maybe people are new to the season and the came back to the game, maybe they are new to playing m+, maybe they are new in general, maybe they are tired or smt different entirely. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt. Try to explain important things before the dungeon or you know, talk about the route or other stuff and maybe if someone makes a mistake explain to them and likewise if i make a mistake id like people to explain to me, instead of flaming me to the ground.
    I feel like m+ is a lot of practice and maybe you dont get it right the first try especially climbing key levels, there is some major jumps in difficulty. People should try to stay civilised and realise that there is another person behin that character and talk to them, like they were sitting across from each other and that would solve a lot of issues.
    sorry for this huge wall of text. Found the channel through yumi as well, havnt been playing myself since after sanctum patch, i was close to reaching top 1% for m+ players in that season tho, so i had my fair share of really terrible pugs and keys 😀

  12. Came here from yumytv to give you the view and I agree: this is very interesting to watch. Hope you get some good views and am looking forward to the S4 one. Cheers!

  13. Your project resonated with me immediately. It's a near-perfect, unidealized account of what it is to play this game with strangers. This is what's going on in the streets! Your spreadsheet is a work of art, a crucial and revelatory document.


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