I spent $2,500 on World of Warcraft trading cards from 2007 – StaysafeTV

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I’ve been hunting a “Fires of Outland” World of Warcraft trading card game box for over 2 years and FINALLY I was able to find TWO of them. Inside could be a SPECTRAL TIGER card worth around $10,000 dollars – fingers crossed! Imagine riding around around on a Spectral Tiger in WoW Classic: The Burning Crusade!

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45 thoughts on “I spent $2,500 on World of Warcraft trading cards from 2007 – StaysafeTV”

  1. What's up guys! Stay tuned and make sure to subscribe and ESPECIALLY join my discord server to stay up to date! Enjoy the video and let me know what you think – I'm super excited about this !

  2. Even tho the odds say that it makes sense it does not work like that in real life… stupid move 😀
    All of this is random and you can have 2 in two following boxes like wtf…

  3. I remember actually playing tournaments for WoW TCG, I saw a guy opening spectral tiger from his prize boosters! Not from this set though, but from the very last one: Timewalkers: Reign of Fire (There's a chance of getting ANY loot card from the whole game in this set).

  4. Well… buying a crate and then selling it once you found "the" card in the crate they're only playing themselves, that's just the gamblers fallacy – unless blizzard didn't actually assign the scratch offs randomly. 10 IQ, not 1000.

  5. Case searching is still done a lot today. Most people into sports cards for the money also got into gaming trading cards once they showed they carried value. They jumped on these, Pokemon, Magic – anything. The only way to guarantee you get a solid chance for a hit is to buy a sealed case. There are online shops who guarantee single boxes come from an sealed case, though they sell for a bit more of a premium as you're basically paying for insurance. In the long run, you're better off just buying the spectral tiger card from somebody who owns it. I purchased the fishing chair from this set directly back in '08 or '09 for about $50. I also got the disco ball, but that was from a different series IIRC.

  6. I watched the box break. Idk if someone told you to wear gloves. Wearing rubber/latex gloves could actually cause more harm. As long as you thoroughly wash your hands before hand that is better than wearing latex gloves.

  7. That's not how statistics and probablities work. You could buy a crate and everybox has one. Now for the single booster you are right. And there is some people that open them very carefully and then reseal it.

  8. I remember ordering a box while I was deployed back in 2008. Once I returned home in 2009, I had my wife open the first pack in box and the spectral tiger loot card was in it. I was so happy.

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