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Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another episode of Azeroth’s Deep Dives, where I explore the coasts and oceans of the continents in World of Warcraft! Today, we take a look at the Azuremyst Isles and Teldrassil… the three major islands of Kalimdor!
All footage retrieved from Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-).
Some images retrieved from Google Images.
Background Music: “Azuremyst Isle” from the WoW Burning Crusade OST
#wow #wotlkclassic #mmo
Outro Music: “You’re The One Acoustic Rehearsal” by Greta Van Fleet
Jediwarlock 2022
Good stuff
lets gooo!
That furbolg village in Teldrassil(*) has an unique rogue NPC in Retail with special armor making it look like a player, iirc.
You didnt mention how the Night Elves might not have much of a place to be at since their Inn was also impaled by a giant crystal not far from the boat (I know some can see that as well)
these are great!
i'd enjoy a series where you do this style of deep-dive but for the inland of zones, theres so many little features like houses and structures that are walked by all the time but never appreciated.
Bloodmyst Isle and that climb to the Vector Coil with all the elites around and the final fight with Sironas (my first time ever witnessing an eredar!) is one of my personal favorite WoW moments. There's so much stuff going on in that isle.
I couldn't help but go YYYEAAAHH when I saw the Vector Coil shown from the water lol.
It's like the spiritual successor to MadSeason.
You are late with it, already done this 16 years ago.
You swim real real good. Feed the algorithm!
Nice. You ever thought of doing a comparison to see what's changed?
Aqueos and elementals are part of quest for water totem for shamans
same for 6:55
Thumbnail looked like a Bittergem from DRG and I got confused
Kind of interesting how the Water Elemental greeted you as a shaman, not a druid
I never noticed the ruins, particularly the ruined boat that was destroyed by the Exodar. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention enough but I didn't even realize night elves lived here prior to the crash.
I remember I swam around Teldrassil once by accident when WoW had first came out. It was my first character, I think there were 2 or 3 of us, and we found a spot where we could climb out onto one of the branches, so of course we did that. We had the genius idea of trying to hop down them to the bottom, only to fall and immediately die of falling damage on the branch. Which was a problem ,because rather than take the rez sickness, I tried to get back to my body, and missed. Now the teleport back to graveyards didn't exist yet, so my ghost had to go all the way around the island to the teleporter, walk back, and jump down again. In retrospect I could've killed the ghost by fatigue to respawn, but I was so terrified of that water. It went down forever, and would my ghost dying delete my character? I had no idea!
I know you enjoy wotlk classic but I would find it very interesting to see a comparison of live vs classics waters!
How bloody cool!
You have gained loads of subs, so happy for you and I love to see another nerd nerdout on little details like me!
In the new Dragonflight expansion on my Warrior in the professions tab, I've equipped my Kalu'ak Fishing pole which allows underwater breathing so I will also be exploring these underwater worlds on my Darkmoon skate
the music of Azuremyst is what I feel like the most epic uber meditation spa should have. Over the years I have often pulled up that track on my soundtrack playlist and put it on repeat. That or if I'm doing some sort of clearing achievements or wahtever I'll go and just hang out at the village in the middle of the island and let the music wash over me
the elementals were all part of shaman quests that were taken out.
Extremly love the music of this regions
Its two of my favorite zones in WoW. When WoW will ends in hopefully a far away future my character will rest on the Silvermyst isle to have a rest of life in piece.
Repairing the house and live there for fishing and enjoy the retirement.
have you thought of swimming around the continents in retail?
At 2:27 you describe a place that is a meeting spot for the Goblin Geezle and the Naga. That one's incorrect. You should create a Draenei and do the questlines on the Azuremyst Isle to see, whom Geezle meets there. And for the reef with the friendly Water Elementals around 5:44 you should creata a Draenei Shaman in WoW WotLK Classic and reach level 20. Then you'll see what the reef and those NPCs are used for. Also the area on the hill you described around 7:00 … further level said Shaman to 30.
Apart from these three minor details, great video. You've put some effort in it. Keep it up.
Now I am hyped for the next one again!
Thanks! I love exploring as a one year player. There is so much to see.
One secret no one thinks about that hasn’t been discovered are the large pearls that are found randomly throughout wow
idk why it's incredibly relaxing to watch you swim around and point out details. Kinda sad you already swam most of the world, would've loved this series to go on forever.
Soooo…. what happened to Quel'thalas och Quel'Danas? 😮
A druid swim in
Elemental: Greeting, young SHAMAN. Make yourself at home within my Reef