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Doesn't look like its worth the money, basically the same game nothing really new or innovating.
can you do a rogue in HC on classic? i loved your hc videos the most. whats now ? wotlk ?
How is this any different from dragonflight?
100% trash
This just lets me know that i made th right choice in quiting all those yaars ago. The game looks so boring
Omg this looks nothing like wow I useto play I stopped after cata
How is it looks like I would suck at it
looks fun 🙂
Omg the music in the dungeon is from warcraft 2
retail is trash
looks like another dead expansion.
Something about retail just turns me off, dunno what it is, but classic just feels better somehow. I hope SoD leads into legit classic+
A War Within Dragonflight 🚮 same look same game different zone and 11 new talents points lol
Dornogal looks like an overwatch map
Classic kill a pack or two take a flight kill copy pasted boss run to a pack or two repeat until you have no braincells left 😊
By the time the expansion comes out it will be boring because all these content creators are making videos on it so early.
That completely empty professions tab was awful i wish i could unsee it..
Is it open beta or closed?
You know what retail looks like , The Flinstones cartoon show lol , what a mess
Not a fan of seeing massive 90k damage per hit. What does that even mean?
Anyone who stans for classic or retail alone is a moron. Classic has some fun RPG style stuff and an interesting community but is riddled with uneeded flaws that could easily be fixed. Retail has a really interesting system for things like talents, pvp, ect, amazing visuals and a lot of content untapped there is to enjoy. We should be hoping to the two get closer in strides to make a complete leveling-> endgame experience, not malding on the internet over WoW. In my personal opinion I think classic can be kind of mind numbingly slow; sod double xp and raiding for xp/loot improved it a lot, but even then some things need more development. Meanwhile, in retail I think really it just needs to let players have those RPG elements, and excuses for people to interact
Seeing classic people complain about "same mechanics, same setup of skills, nothing new or innovating". Funny saying that from the guys that cry if they have to do anything other than a "111111…" Rotstion as mage, having the same pack of mobs doing only autoattacks 90% of the time, bosses being the same just with 1 mechanic making the difference and funny enough that one mechanic is the only mechanic of the boss for almost most of classic dungeon and raid bosses.
People with heavy mental problems, complain about stuff that is found in the version they love but are so blind and delusional to accept it.
Classic WOW player has a hard time with mechanics?
The migraines are coming
Can we not turn this into a classic vs retail war? You have choice now just play what you enjoy instead of fighting an imaginary war
Idk why but this expansion seems like BfA
this looks pretty boring so far ngl
Classic Andies saying this game is shit but they spend their free time clearing bosses spamming 1 the entire time
im so confuse how come others have TWW already or MOP Remix and some dont ? i dont see that option etc. im new to the game and its just confusing 🤣
honestly retail is far too hard for you classic kiddies in the comments to achieve anything anyway, I wouldn't even bother if I was you, you will never reach even 1800 in pvp or kill a heroic boss, let alone a mythic one
Arachnophobia mode? haha wtf can Blizzard get any worse
Dude dies, reports it as bug, even if it is not.
People complain this doesnt look like a new game compared to DF 😂 its an EXPANSiON! Does tbc game play look much different from vanilla? Its not supposed to be a new game….
I just leveled a mage in sod and was hyped af. Then i got to ST and holyshit was that boring… i was doing 16% of our enha shamans dps and just maintaining scorchs debuff every 30 seconds and spamming one button😂 i LITERaLLY fell asleep during the raid and i just had to quit the game… retail is just so much better game sod is a good middle group for people who arent that good in games overall. I mean its just WAY too slow and easy for anyone who is not old or stoned
Swear the style in general is more like zelda than original wow now xD minus all the systems ect just the world feel, if that makes sense
Wouldn't it be cool if they had disabled dungeon finder until you either complete the dungeon, by gathering a group and manually walking and doing the dungeon, or by finishing the main campaign first? I think that would make the open world more fascinating at the early stages of the expansion.
a caster is not supposed to cast ?
Please, don't make Retail cater to classic andies. We don't want those freaks.
What about snakephobia mode? Or fish phobia mode? All of these are real phobias! I don't think they've pandered enough to mental illness for me to play this. Why is there is so much violence in the game? They should worry about people who like to hurt others and make abilities throw pillows instead and change the name to World of Pillowcraft.
Do people actually get scared of pixel spiders? I never knew this arachnophobia mode existed 🕷
Most of the game makes less sensibility. What I mean is its not awesome or smart or finalized. I know the implementation of this and that for being here than there and doing abilities and going to the next place. Just doing more of doing the exact scenario is done for many games. But, its not great content for me. For watching such stuff. Its annoying and badly created. Dynasty Warriors does much better. I love Runescape much more though. Because, its better mmorpg and game for the skills it has and what makes more sense of the words for runes and tablets and other things.
*clearly gets knock backed out of the arena where its instadeath
*says its not his fault, reports it as a bug