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Mvp, ye im stupid. Nahh always a good time bud
This openings makes you the most MVP
I can’t believe you finally got the BLADE MOUNT PET WORLD DROP RARE ITEM!!!!1!!111!1!!! GRATZ. That outfit tho…/boggle…
Nvp gl
The king of MVP opening all those green bags!
You are the MVP!, making excellent content every day. Your videos are very entertaining and you never disappoint keep up the great work! 👍
Well, somebody has to be the MVP in getting JACKSHIT from openings 😀 Good luck bro, you'll get the blade soon for sure
Hey Studen, I just wanted to share my method of gold farming.
So what I do is I just go to Zul'Gurub and just kill the turtle thats right on the second bridge and later on just kill the mobs that drop Giant Sack their name is Kaulema. Later What you do is just open the Sacks (bags) and you receive bunch of Cataclysm mining farms such as, Nightstone, Zephyrite, Jasper and Elementium Ore and they all sell so quickly , the reason why you're killing the turtle is because youre receiving a Volatile Earth and If you're a skinner you receive Savage Leather Scraps. The Volatile Earth sells quickly while Savage Leather Scraps takes some time 🙂
The farm takes like 20 minutes 9 runs and you get 100% a stack of Elementium ore and 3-10 Nightstone, Zephyrite, Jasper…
MVP…lol @ bags filled with heart break and of course, boxes filled with disappointment! btw, Leatrix is my favorite addon. I would be interested to know more about using Loot Appraiser and some of the other things you use like TSM or whatever. Do you have any videos on the tools you use? I will search it but I thought I'd ask too. Thanks man and good luck on future openings!
Quit your bitchin and get opening bro. Signed MVP, stay well too. Good show Studen.
literal mvp god
MVP. and as allways watching to the end. Remember that a clown isnt anything without his audience. Keep these vids coming.
MVP have a great one and everyone stay safe and healthy
Those MVP legplates!! Super jealous!
MVP lol