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What should you be doing in the first week of Shadowlands? In this video I go over what’s available, breaking down what’s important and what isn’t. Don’t forget to like and subscribe so that you’re notified of my new videos! Read more below:
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I aim to create high level, yet easy to understand content for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. If you have any feedback, questions, or ideas for new videos – I’d love to hear it in the comments.
0:00 Alt Leveling
2:50 Torghast
4:10 Renown and Anima
7:54 Reputation & Dailies
9:26 Upgrading Items
Go to sleep brother!
Hi friends this is Geli
Now that's a good cat
Anyone know what to do if you forgot to loot the soul ash at the end of a torghast run? It didn't show up in mail or anything. (asking for a friend ofc.)
Why tf you uploading so late? Whyteout*
Hi Friend! Love this video and it’s exactly what I needed.
Growl is about to lose 20 lbs this week. Constant streaming and still posting videos. He is a legend. Take care bud.
Oh exactly the Video I was looking for
> levels up a druid to 60 and is rather proud of himself
> hmm I should check what Growl says I need to do in first week before I go lvl alts
> watch Growl literaly have all 5 fuckers fully leveled up already are you fucking kidding me 😂 Guess it's time to pick up the pace.. =D
I was actually talking about this today. Glad to see you make a video of this. Now go sleep!
Best videos out there…. not that clickbait bs we see a lot…. he is a source one can trust…
400-500-600 xp per hour?!!??!! WOAH!
Get some sleep friend!
Nice video! Thanks!
I didn't see any questgivers in sanguine depths…
I am lvl 53
Everyone is level 60 already and im still trying to log onto my server/character when im back from work in the evening and don't get disconnected shortly after. Sigh.
Staying up late 😮 please take care!! Great video and thumbnail as always <3
LITERALLY was just thinking about what I needed to do at 3 am. Appreciate it.
Such a sweaty nerd
I might be sleep deprived but i got loremaster.
Is your elvui and details available?
To add to that, how do you order your keyboards and abilities?
Threads of fate is interesting but it gets annoying as quests are not as clustered. Still they give huge a boost of exp.
Thank you! I have been going crazy trying to figure the renown limit
Shit that quest for the 700 renown doesn't show up for me @60.. is there a pre quest for it.. ?
I took the anima quest after i gained like 750 anima. I want to die. Currently at 500 🙁
FYI, you need not select your soulbind before ToF become available 🙂 I've not selected mine and am already ToFing on my first alt.
I agree. I'm doing the fate on my first alt solo and it has shaved about 25% of the time off. But I def agree that you should get a squad because it's just doing legion invasions and wq's to aid each zone
dude, thanks a lot for this guide
Quit after realizing it's an anima grind.
Please may you make an updated UI video containing links and your setup? Love the videos, I got into and main rest druid because of you <3