Implosion Explained – Demonology Warlock | Shadowlands

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Here is a more in depth explanation on implosion and how/when to use it effectively.
#Demonology #Warlock #Shadowlands


20 thoughts on “Implosion Explained – Demonology Warlock | Shadowlands”

  1. This video helped so much! I've been played WoW casually since legion, always on demo for my main (if not, my alt). However shadowlands i've enjoyed so much that i'm trying to get more serious with the game; starting to engage into more activities like M+ and even dipping my toe in arenas for the first time. Needeless to say your channel is a gold mine! Us demo's are a minority; and I couldn't be more thankful for your presence.

  2. Just wanted to say I greatly appreciate all of your videos. I've learned a ton and been able to climb to the top of the charts thanks to your help. I love pugging raids and hearing people say "how is this Demo lock pumping so hard?!"

    I've caught a few of your streams and picked up some great tips on specific boss fights but would you consider doing a raid breakdown with just a brief summary of things you specifically aim for to maximize your uptime or talents you may switch out on certain fights?

  3. As a new Warlock, your videos are extremely helpful. When I asked when I should use implosion in T-chat the other day, people were like “I dunno, I just cast it randomly”

  4. Great video! I’m pretty new to demo and warlock. I’ve been trying to get my DPS closer to the numbers SimCraft says I should be doing and I’m hoping this will help. I think copying your UI will also help as those buffs are much easier to understand than the normal ones.

  5. Ive noticed there is a delay on the FTS buff applying to aoe targets. It could just be my interface, but I cast dogs, the debuff appears on my target, then it appears on the other mobs a half second after the dogs actually hit. Ive been delaying the implosion till I actually see the debuff…


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