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I get to sit down with World of Warcraft Lead Developer Ion “Watcher” Hazzikostas to talk about how the systems in Shadowlands are faring now that the expansion is live, and to dig a bit deeper to get insight on what’s to come and what changes are on the horizon!
Note: Sorry for any keyboard/background noises, it’s a small apartment and people have other things happening!
Hey dudes just a note, sorry for any keyboard/background noises, it's a small apartment and people have other things happening!
That spec/conduit swapping is particularly frustrating. I like the idea of interfacing with the soulbinds system, but when it doesn't change per spec when I change to DPS or tank, it feels so messy that I just don't even bother looking at the conduits I get. That one roadblock stops me caring about the system in any meaningful way, which is a shame for a potentially fun addition to player power.
They rly are going full on raid or die, if you dont have a decent guild for high m+/mythic raiding there is no reason to play rly
Night fae death Knight
It burns!
just fire off Ivana Ivanovicha Hazzikostasa!!
Get rid of personal loot across the board at all levels please.
Give me a maw themed werebear form from torghast
Yeah it feels like a good launch. Except, you guys. Nerfed frost mage into the ground, they were good in beta and then after multiple nerfs, they are literally bottom tier dps. Which feels absolutely terrible as a frost lover.
hey man what's that UI addon your using?
Will they buff the underpreforming covenants?
Shadowlands has been awesome and please keep pvp fast don’t make big nerfs to damage dealers and don’t let hybrid class healing become so powerful they are unkillable. Thanks your doing great otherwise.
I’d love to get tier set, but I really hope there’s some way to obtain them outside of raiding.
I’d like to see them on the conquest vendor or something like a conquest vendor for M+
I look at Ion and just think "Yeah, he looks like a Gurgthok"
Fantastic interview. Thank you for the coverage and questions.
And thank you Mr. Hazzikostas for the engagement and information
Ion: Warmode promotes equal participation.
Oceanic players: ……..
Loved this
Wtf totally unexpected. You are a god
Another great interview bro!
MAGE TOWER… that is all
THANK GOD, Theyre looking at fixing tank… Got turned off tank so hard when I found out they just kite the mobs around M+ dungeons instead of actually tanking
Got a crazy idea here, make faction change free but on a MASSIVE yearly cooldown and Ill swap my chars over right now. Too expensive otherwise
you doing another look at specs/classes with their respective "specialists" now that CN is out.
I fucking love Ion
Sloot great interview dude. Can you please give Ion and the devs some public praise for how great this expansion has been so far. Levelling was great, the fate system for alts was great, the renownb system is great, no heavy grinds is great, they've hit the nail on the head with required/optional maintenance stuff you have to do for your character. The loot system is great, I'm actually excited when I get a small upgrade now probably coz I'm not showered with random loot. The mounts look really cool, blizz constantly gets heavily criticized for store mounts and shit. The zones and castle nathria are stunning and the bosses are mega man. Please give them more positive feedback about this stuff, they've really come a long way from AP grinds and islands and azerite armour and shit. They deserve positive feedback for their hard work.
"Blame Blizzard"…. Ohhhh I do. 14 heroic boss kills, 2 mythic kills and 6 normal kills. I've gotten 1 piece of loot and it was the worst possible piece I could get. Then out of my weekly mythic dungeon cache I get the same slot as my ONE piece I got from raiding. Sick system. Love watching most of the raid get 3-5 pieces while me and a few others have gotten 0-1. Fair system indeed.
Been unhappy with PvP in the game for 4 or more years and the changes have been fantastic so far. I love BGs and the changes have made them relevant again. Would like to have even a little less grinding (PvE) required stuff, but best expansion in years.
That new message sound is giving me anxiety!
Pls revisset state of warrior
I play arena with my 186 ilvl PVP gear and stomped by PVE ers with 210 ilvl gear.
here is what the problem is a person that thinks fun is a metric. should he realy be lead on a mmo like wow?. the wont even understand why subs has turned to nothing.
The weekly chest is the same random crap that it's always been. There is nothing more frustrating than getting mastery gear as a havoc DH. What would be good is to allow us to use the MAW currency as a way to set my weekly chest to a specific stat type. I'd rather be getting items that are stat specific and the same than random stuff that is not a stat I would ever wear.
As it currently stands, you're much better off just spending your time PVPing to get PVE upgrades. It's a set amount of currency that you can work towards and make progress towards at your own speed. M+ feels so awful right now because it's totally random and what's worse is that the compensation reward is 35 anima, like why? Anima has nothing to do with power, just let us get scaling rewards AT LEAST. Ideally, we would be getting some sort of points at the end of every m+ depending on speed and we could use those tokens to purchase gear (set at a weekly cap. There are those of who simply do not have the time to spam the amount of dungeons you would need to spam to target pieces. My guild is a Cutting Edge guild, and most of us are content just doing 4 m+ for the weekly reward choices.
Great job, Sloot! I really like listening to Ion talk. Shadowlands has been a lot of fun so far, and I look forward to more!
Super excited for Blizzconline next year, and the Twisting Corridors for that damn Maw mount.
Amazing interview as always I hope Ion stays game director for as long as possible
the answer to the horde alliance thing is easy.. make faction changes free for a bit, that way those of us who has friends to play with on the opposite faction could switch over and do so..
You can switch conduits TWELVE times with a refresh on a charge each day. How many goddamn times do you need to change your abilities in 48 hours??
Holy shit the Windows noises are so annoying lol 😵
Y so many legendaries and almost no soul ash tho
Having spec loadouts for conduits is not only about minmaxxing. I have toons I do nothing but farm on through 2-3 different specs. The guys who give you the chance for lootbags is who I obviously want to use no matter the spec. But to swap specs and get usefulness I either need to take generic trash conduits, or respec them everytime I want to spec swap. Thats not min maxxing, thats just wanting to play comfortably for me.
You want to fix faction imbalance? Don't charge out the ass for changing. I have plenty of friends that would go back to alliance if they didn't have to spend hundreds of dollars to do it.
There was no "problem" with the old class sets other than blizzards usually poor choice in secondary stats they put on them. So what if they lock specific slots? That's part of figuring out your gearing. That's part of figuring out what is actually best to use where. If it's that bad of an issue the fix is super simple. 2-4-5 piece set bonuses, but 7 piece sets. Not only does this fix the locked slots issue, but it opens up a lot of fun with potentially being able to use multiple sets to goofy effect.
As to adventurers, my kyrian have equally advanced just as fast as my nightfae. People need to stop sucking and focus on the EXP missions over the anima missions.
And Sloot, you forgot to ask the most important question. HOW MUCH LONGER TIL WE CAN FKN FLY!!!!!!!
Whats the reason for master loot when people can trade while in group if they want?
dude i like that guy 😉
im ok with ther personal loot but when you kill 10 bosses and all you get is a bag … something is wrong… the loot rate has gone to crap….. a normal raider could go weeks or months without seeing a weap … thanks blizz
potential Expansion. World of Warcraft: Into the Void