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In 2023 and the past 5-10 years I’d personally say MMORPG genre has been in a state of stagnation, for a long time it hasn’t really been “the hype genre” MMOs aren’t really considered cool by the younger generation and for the past 2 years whenever I’ve made my end of year MMORPG tier lists whether it’s been community voted or subjective opinion, nothing has made it into the S Tier.
In fact looking back when was the last time we truly had an S Tier MMORPG for its time?
You’d have to easily go back 15 years to when MMOs were at their peak popularity to find such a game, a few that come to mind would be Vanilla WoW, TBC WoW and Wrath of the lich king WoW, Runescape was definitely S tier from 2005-2007, Everquest and Ultima Online would also probably be considered S Tier for the time and there’s probably many others such as Maplestory, Lord Of The Rings Online, Guild Wars 1, Dark Age Of Camelot and Age Of Conan that were also easy high A tiers during their time of release when the MMORPG genre was at its most popular.
During my recent MMORPG tier list though there was one MMORPG that I overlooked, an MMO that I didn’t put on the list and if you play it a certain way It’s got potentially thousands of hours of replayable, highly engaging content in which every play session is an adventure…ironically, it could be the best MMORPG to play in 2023
So what do you think about the best mmorpg to play in 2023? do you agree with the MMO I mentioned in this video and do you see modern gaming monetization pushing more people to classic hardcore MMO experiences? let me know in the comments below!
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Ironically The Best MMORPG To Play In 2023 Description
First let’s briefly explain what WoW Hardcore is…
Basically if you die once you delete your character and start again
No trading, no grouping in the open world, no bubble hearth for paladins, no asking for buffs or help and each dungeon you can only do once but only if you group with other hardcore characters, basically a self-reliant mode that for a long time has been enforced with the “Hardcore” addon and by playing on unofficial Hardcore servers.
Hardcore has been a community that’s been around for a number of years at this point however in 2023 It’s really blown up in popularity thanks to streamers and content creators bringing more attention to it… This mode has become so popular that most of the top WoW Streams on Twitch are Hardcore streams, it’s incredibly entertaining content to watch and recently It’s become so popular that Blizzard have announced that there will be official hardcore servers coming soon which will have a few cool additions such as Duel to the death as well as a few other differences from unofficial mode.
What makes WoW Classic Hardcore so unique in 2023 is that It’s the only MMORPG out where the main goal is to reach max level, once you’ve hit 60 you’ve basically beaten the challenge and any additional content you do post 60 is an optional bonus, this is in contrast to other MMOs where the levelling process and sense of progression associated with it feels very temporary, somewhat meaningless and just something you go through the motions of doing as a right of passage until you reach the real content at end game which usually consists of raiding or PVP.
World Of Warcraft Classic Hardcore Runescape Ironman Black Desert Online Throne & Liberty Lost Ark Guild Wars 2 Final Fantasy XIV Elder Scrolls Online New World Albion Online 2023 MMO WoW Classic Hardcore Compilation Episode Reaction TheLazyPeon best mmo 2023 what mmo to play free to play mmo classic era classic wotlk blizzard entertainment mmorpg tier list mmo tier list BDO Throne & Liberty Trailer wow classic hardcore class tier list how to hardcore addon hard core wow world of warcraft hardcore server perfect new world chrono odyssey bdo pax dei
Ironically The Best MMORPG To Play In 2023…
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With all the modern technology to create better games it’d a shame we don’t have a really really cool mmorpg game out rite now I mean that’s kind of crazy to me tbh
What about never winter?
One day I'll make it, I'll make the definitive mmorpg.
You're the first content creator that admits that Hardcore mode isn't anything new but a light version of the iron man challenge.
hardcore blew up due to content draught among streamers and content creators, they took iron man, dumbed it a bit down and slammed a new shiny sticker on it "hardcore mode".
That Lineage II tune tho.
A mmo that doesn’t hold your hand and everyone has to play blind and use old school wikis
I find funny how this channel is often sponsored by MMOs that are not part of the topic at hand. "MMOSs suck now, but before that here's our sponsor, an amazing MMO 😁, well as I was saying, there are no good MMOs 😢
Couldn't be in more disagree haha.. you're way too biased in this one mate.
Hardcore MMOs today are popular on the internet for similar reasons the UFC or street fights viral videos are so popular: funny to watch someone's getting knocked out with a spinning kick. Not funny to be the one who's being order to commit to something, the risk/reward should be inside your own tolerance. For you is different,since meanwhile you play, you also are working and making a living.
With no bigger reward and much bigger risk to toss a lot of free time , for the majority it's a no-no deal. Also , seems you didn't played Wow back in the day , because the endgame is the other half of what made it such an awesome experience (the other half is what you mention, I agree). 40p raids was something that the best guilds took months to beat sometimes, mostly due the learning curve it took to learn the combat mechanics for each Boss. Also, when trying to gear up or get mounts, it was about grind until luck gave you the drop. The leveling gave you enough time to truly understand your character. To go through that only to stop when you are ready for the big test is something that makes no real sense. this is More like what the Speedrun communities are about. Again,fun to watch, but not everyone wants to play the same stupid game for 20years so you find a glitch and end it a couple of minutes sooner
f wow , and f you for click baiting
Hola 🙂 ¿Cuál es el juego de la miniatura? Skyrim con mods?
man I would have downloaded hero of aethric, but if you're recommending it, I'm against it.
you're apart of the problem clown
Ugh… how can you put that horrible P2W game ArcheAge near the top??? It has the WORST upgrading equipment system I have ever seen, oh ya.. P2W. I won't really mention how unfun and lame BDO was, everyone did and looked the same and all just sat afk for dumb inactive stat. I would love to see a game that does not hold your hand and guide you everywhere you want to go and not have Gear sporting mobs spawn every 15 mins, like a bearcare WoW.
for what you said hyping your choice of classic hardcore, that same thing goes way more for ESO being best mmorpg if you avoid the grind.
DAoC was the best PvP easily
Das Ende leutete WOW ein , da jeder wow Konen wollte . Es muss mal wieder was anderes her wie UO ,Daoc ,Lif oder EQ2.
There's a hum in your room as you record this. Its there constantly humming away in the background, is that air conditioning? A fridge?
We need a mmorpg on VR that has great graphics and mechanics.
Wow would never have thought I would say this about a video of yours… BULLSHIT!
First Guild Wars, S Tier… Mud (Multi-User-Dungeon) Not Quite and MMO, but close enough for me.
And Vanilla WoW again, changing the whole genre, almost 20 years later lol.
Imagine rpg where like you have 100lvl to reach but key skills are after 80lvl and you get them randomly on 80. 85 90 95 96 97 98 99… Every time one out of set of lets say 40. And they have synergies… That would make every build new and original. You wouldnt be able to plan everything for endgame. …
Oof, like I hold Vanilla WoW in very high regard… but honestly, for me… the leveling was WAY too fucking easy in Vanilla WoW… which should tell you what I think about the modern leveling in WoW. When I played WoW, coming from games like EQ, UO, and AC… there were 2 things that drew me into it; 1) it had a very simple, cartoonish motif that ran very well on nearly any PC.. 2) it had a faster paced, more engaging combat system than EQ.
That was it. The leveling system was far too easy, and really not very interesting or memorable. Before TBC came out, I had maxed 5 different characters… and I mean they were mostly pretty well-geared. Give this version has consent-only PvP… it's… a pathetic empty shell of what Vanilla WoW was.
I just barely made it to max level on EQ before the first expansion dropped. It was entirely memorable, all the way through, because it wasn't the center of play. In fact… I'd argue that the leveling in WoW, was one of the major nails in the coffin for MMO's. To be totally fair, the only reason WoW killed the MMO, is because it was THE MMO.
It'd be a pretty nice touch to have dynamic end game stuff that has meaning like the AA system from EQ, or an MMO that has all the interesting systems like AC had. I mean AC came out in 1999 or so? and you could be a king or a lord or a vassal. You could write a note, or even a book.. then sell it to vendors, or just drop it on the ground, or leave it in a chest. Most of the end game dungeons are still unknown, there were events that were hardly even recorded, that were generally probably the most memorable of ANY MMO I've played.
idk man, I've played basically every MMORPG since 1998, and a handful from before that era even. Hardcore WoW is a tiny, itty bitty bitch ass baby step in the right direction.
(not gonna dislike it your video lol, I feel ya)
The reason theres no S tier mmorpgs anymore is because most games were very basic back then. But the mmorpg genre created a totally new social environment game and new concepts never seen before. These were the times when typing to someone online was a crazy new thing and it blew our minds. Basically what we need is a new platform thats so technologically advanced that it brings new innovative ways to interact with each other and have fun. The next S tier MMORPG WILL BE in the virtual reality , mark my words.
WoW Hardcore is shit tier boring cash-grab.
I loved what you said about walking into the Murloc camp lol. Those damn Murlocs in the starting zone. Bound to get mobbed and die.
I have always like questing more than dungeons. I do play retail though. I did play vanilla back in the day when my teenage sons got me playing WOW as my 1st MMO game. It was Awesome to discover what an MMO game was & be able to voice talk to people around the world.
I’d play classic hardcore, but I wish the graphics were a little updated.
Gross clickbait. Ad is 30% of the video. Won't be back.
All my gaming friend have been missing mmorpg's for years and have been going back to the old ones. So we are waiting for Ashes of Creations that seems to be the only one mmo on the way. All other games, or most, seem to be survival games. So atm we play Return to Moria, until Enshrouded gets out and later Nightigale
Too bad somehow my account has bern banned since last playing and the company is no help 🙁
This is not old school runescape?
there hasn't been a single mmo that was better than a D tier.
Its crazy to me that people dont talk about Lineage 2 as one of the best PVP mmos up until that 2011 mark.
The game is complete dog sh*t
Pantheon is gonna be S tier 2024! 😂
Lol this idiot don’t even talk about Silkroad that game have the best pvp quality and best skills all the other games have kid graphics 🥲
Wow classic. Back when actively hostile mobs roams the starter zones and 30 second soul link for PVP bait warlocks. Ah, the memories.
😂😂😂😂 "you're hearthing tf out…"