IS ARMS WARRIOR GOOD IN SHADOWLANDS?! – WoW 9.0 Shadowlands Beta Gameplay

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44 thoughts on “IS ARMS WARRIOR GOOD IN SHADOWLANDS?! – WoW 9.0 Shadowlands Beta Gameplay”

  1. Pumped to bring you guys a fun first look at Arms Warrior PvP in the Shadowlands Beta! 😀
    As always things are SUPER LIKELY TO CHANGE so definitely provide feedback, but don't get too freaked out if things are weird during this testing phase 🙂
    I'll keep trying out new builds & share the adventures w/ you here & on Twitch so be sure to show the video some love in the LIKES / COMMENTS & SUBSCRIBE to see more! <3

  2. Laughed so hard during the game vs Vanguards. Time to go I'm dead and my lock probably is too. Oh wait nvm he can 1v2 in arena. We'll see though. Warriors, Mages, DKs and priests are the only classes we supposedly have the full picture for with all legendaried, abilities, soulbinds and conduits.

  3. So is the PvP gear vendors back or not ? I like the old school gearing and best gearing system was in WoD you get honor and conquest plus a chance to get a pvp piece with every victory in BGs

  4. The fact they allow covenant general abilities like door of shadows to be used in PvP shows how bad the balancing in this expansion will be. In what world is giving a mage, rogue, warrior, monk, Dh, or hunter another teleport fine?

    Mage will have 2 shimmer blinks, dragon's breath, frost nova, ice block, and now door of shadows on top. What a load of horse shit.

    Good luck catching out a mistweaver or resto druid as well with this BS ability.

  5. Locks were whining on the forums that Destro was going to be nerfed into the ground in Shadowlands. I know it's still too early to tell but so far Destro is BY FAR the most broken spec in the entire game in Shadowlands. They are literally unkillable while doing double the damage that anyone else does lol.

  6. Love watching you PVP man, I love pvp so much but I suck hard because I'm registered blind so watching timers on cooldowns, etc is extremely difficult, I'm looking forward to messing about in bgs in shadowlands though 🙂


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