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Remember a time were everything wasn’t about being efficient? It wasn’t about getting the most gold per hour, or the fastest way to get to 60, or gearing up mega quick. People weren’t so caught up with only end game progression and being top top top, meta meta man!


14 thoughts on “IS EFFICIENCY RUINING THE GAMING WORLD – World of Warcraft Shadowlands”

  1. I mainly agree, there's too much emphasis on "meta" or min-maxing and being efficient that it's just ruined everything and now everything is about speed or whatever. It takes out all the fun and excitement and degenerates it into how fast you can do something, how big your epeen is, etc. And that has bred a very selfish "me me me" mindse among players where they only care about themselves and how they can get ahead.

  2. Ah yes the days of bankstanding at castle wars. I agree with your statements though. After about 2 years of playing runescape back in 06 – 08. I never thought of playing the game "efficiently" id just grab my rune chain mail and head over to pest control or do some law rune runs. Just simple things. Fast forward a year and ive turned into some kind of Chad. That HAD to make herb speed runs while doing my slayer task. In short I refused to participate in single activity. I had to be multi-tasking. It killed a lot of the newbie fun but none thr less still fun.

  3. U made some good points here, wow turned into that for me. I do all the prework watching guides on dungeons and boss fights. You really do lose that sense of adventure when u prioritize efficiency, there's no real surprises. I go through cycles now where i only renew my sub for a month, maybe 2 with each patch and play to a point where i feel far enough, those last couple ilvl points are almost unobtainable.
    I just downloaded warhammer, return of reckoning. Its older, but its new to me. Going in blind, no guides. Talked my brothers into joining me in it. Its pretty fun, maybe ill go back to wow for the next content patch, if i do, i doubt ill stay long.

  4. Wow kills its own game with betas, they all should be under nda and shouldn't let wowhead datamine. By the time the game launches there are no more unknowns about the game and no interest in playing it.

  5. I like your videos, you talk about many issues others do not. There is a reason Vanilla was great, and it was a combination of naivety, a community all in the same boat (no IO, logs, meta shit) and just being able to play. Classic is a cesspool of filth, the worst of the current wow philosophy with all the mistakes and limitations of vanilla. Current retail is as bad, with it's elitism off the back of IO and Warcraft logs, they game is almost unplayable in many respects unless you can show parses, IO, pvp rating etc..

  6. There are a couple of sentences that give away a certain problem, which is pretty deep if you think about it:

    – "It's logical to want to be more efficient" or "It's natural".

    It isn't, or at least it is, but only in this time in history. Reason, and anything that is considered logical or natural, gets contradicted and overcome constantly. What we deem illogical and primitive was perfectly logical and natural for societies before us. It is the dialectical process through which societies change.

    Now, the problem with WoW is the problem with the gaming landscape as a whole. Games are never produced in a vacuum, that is, in a world without ideology (and everyone who tells you otherwise is, ironically, spouting ideology). Therefore, games will ALWAYS reflect a way of thinking. WoW seems to reflect the current neoliberal attitude towards life, which is constant optimization and competition, that's why you see all these efforts into making WoW some sort of e-sport, with MDI and World First Race. This has been happening for a long time with other games, but since WoW started as a community-building type of game, the effects became visible later, as opposed to other games that were made after.

    The thing is, people get saturated and the game WILL become stale. Maybe not the content, but the overall structure and the experience of playing it will.

    What to do about it? I have no idea. But those were my two cents.

  7. I'm just leveling alts.

    Once real catch up comes in the future patches I will get gear and shit with little effort and have tons of 60s to work on.

    Right now with the loot reduced drops fuck it. Why grind when in a couple months I'll get higher ilvl with little effort.

  8. In my opinion, I think that a lot of people have changed their playstyle to be more efficient simply because we're older and don't have as much time to dedicate to these games like when we were younger. Are you really going to sit around and effectively do nothing in game for the 2 hours you can play every day? I think most people would rather progress their account or play non MMO games instead.

  9. Nicee now this is super relatable. I been plying wow now for 6 years off and on playing with doomers, boomers, zoomers, I feel there is one major problem with how content gets addressed, that is personal self awareness, I cant help but to feel people wont change because there obsessive about them selfs and improvising them selfs till perfection but there is no such thing and the more we complain about 1 thing we loose sight on whats important and we need that mind check to see where we at and not where we are headed because the future will always trigger you in a negative way or positive way, so depending on which way you lean the out come changes.

  10. The whole point of games is to overcome a challenge or solve a puzzle and in getting lost in doing so is to have fun.

    But nowadays we have confused having fun with getting rewards or loot. While it does feel good to feel your character get more powerful, it is not inherently fun.

    So at times we only have ourselves to blame. To become more efficient at getting the loot, we look up all the answers on optimal builds or how to down bosses which takes away all the experimentation and challenge and so the game itself is no longer fun. All we have left is the loot hamster wheel.

    The most fun I’ve had in this game is with a group of friends that we ran a mythic dungeon where none of us knew the boss mechanics and none of us bothered to look it up. Now you bring back the unknown and now you bring back the challenge and the fun. Sure it took us 2 hours and we barely make it through two bosses. But we slowly learn together how the mechanics work and we overcame. Remember when classic wow use to be like that when it first came out and you had to figure it out for yourself? Back then it wasnt really figuring out bosses so much but figuring out how your character plays and fits into the tank, dps, healer group. For most people that was their first time experiencing that type of team dynamic. Now we have all become accustomed to that so that part of the game is gone. But my point is, I’d rather have the challenge than the item lvl grind any day.


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