Is Gatekeeping in Gaming Too Toxic? Classic World of Warcraft

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35 thoughts on “Is Gatekeeping in Gaming Too Toxic? Classic World of Warcraft”

  1. Sorry, did you just open your video by saying math is wrong? I only watch your videos to see what dumb s*** you are going to say next. I'm legit going to just start making videos again JUST to react to you and have a laugh at your expense.

  2. I think Thermaplug is just off in terms of difficulty for Gnomer, because everything is fine until him then you need a specific group comp for him. I feel these 10mans should not be harder than when you first step into UBRS, and I think BFD accomplished this where as Gnomer fails imo.

  3. You're grubbis fight lasted twice as long as it should have. There are only 2 guilds in the world that killed the boss twice as fast as your kill. Why are you so dumb? I actually can't stop laughing this is so funny.

  4. If i may. I think classic is really easy. And it doesnt have to be this way. Wow historically was never this easy at the period it was played. I recently received a survey asking if sod should be easier or harder. I put extremely hard. Its just too simple for my tastes and honestly after hearing you and seeing what the average player is. It needs a 200% increase in difficulty. And whats cool is it doesnt have to stay braindead like era is cause its sod!
    On the other topic, people are gatekeeping. They always have and they always will. Evidence of this is 2009 posts: LFM VOA 25M LINK ACHIEVE, 6969 GS MINIMUM. I think this is a non issue. Either meet players where they are or move on. Youll notice the individuals complaining are pugging. Are not wanting to interact with a guild. They want the raid to cater to them (bring me even if every log shows i suck). Function to their needs (cant hold any form of schedule). Sorry that is not wow. Its just not that game.

    EDIT: Gatekeeping class is bad (design issue). Player is fine.

  5. I love the leveling, profession, collecting rune, and just running around all the zone when SOD released. After BFD came out I raid with guild and had fun. Then I start seeing people in chat asking for gear check and how many boss you kill to get invite to pug. Just like retail. The min max wow culture turn a game into a job. That why I stop playing

  6. You don't need a guide for classic wow dps on any class ever, saying you didn't look up a guide is not a flex. And shaman has one of the most complex rotations of any classic wow class but its still brain dead easy, thats kinda the point of classic wow. But its funny that you are so annoyed by how easy shaman is sense you main a hunter.

  7. As a former purple parsing hardcore player and current semi hardcore casual, the gatekeeping is going to kill the community. I don’t do much guild raiding because of work and it’s tough to stick to a schedule so mostly PUG these days.

    There are good players out there that have green and grey parses mainly from factors out of their control – players leaving early suddenly, not wanting to hop on discord or just pulling up a quick guide on boss mechanics (also shoutout to Sarthe, I got some 90+ parses on my rogue when vanilla classic first rolled out).

    IMO you’ll get better PUGs in PVE and PVP if you give people a shot. Purple Parsing as a requirement for Gnomer is crazy – the raid isn’t nearly as hard as WOTLK hard modes or Cata Raids. Asking the pug to explain the mechanics of Electrocutioner should be sufficient lol.

  8. The game is insanely easy the problem is people can’t separate being a casual from being lazy. You can be a complete casual and do the basic preparation of getting some pre BIS, knowing your rotation and the boss fights and then get into gnomer and clear easy. However people want to just afk and get invited to a raid they get carried in auto attacking

  9. Definitely logs are helpful but they gatekeep a little too much sometimes. I love using logs to analyze people who want help and improve myself. I've done plenty of gnomers carrying sub 10 parsers😂

  10. SoD is to elitest. I leveled a paladin to 40 this week. I’m nearly full pre bis but since I haven’t raided at in this version in the game no one will take me. Players are killing their own game.

  11. Aggrend said it best — those who gatekeep the hardest oftentimes are the most insecure/don't know how to run a raid properly so that there's good communication and patience when it comes to downing the content.

    Gnomer is harder than BFD so people understandably don't want to waste their time, but the amount of people not wanting to take "off-spec" things is just downright silly.

    I think it's better to look at "execution" scores than parses imo.

    It's not really accurate at all either to say "all mechanics can be cheesed". You can't "cheese" the chain lightning stacks on the spider dude. At least a few soakers have to be cognizant or else it wipes the raid.

    Same with goos. You can't "Cheese" not killing a goo. It will wipe your raid if you have more than a few up.

    Bombs on Mekgineer? Not really "Cheesable" unless you mean making a warlock do all of them is cheesing. You still gotta press buttons.

    Classic WoW was never meant to be this braindead (in a way, not saying it's mythic plus or whatever) and it irks my classic soul to see so many players want to ignore mechanics to do miniscule more damage.

    People don't do mechanics and are still parsing grey in my raids. It doesn't make sense. You can do mechanics and get a 99 still.

    I do and have done that lmao.

  12. Go in a pug full of people with sub 50 parses and you instantly understand. Ive cleared gnomer 10+ times and i have a 95+ avg parse, did 3 gnomers on alts this week and they were all absolutely a disaster, in one group we wiped on GRUBBIS bahahahahahaha😂😂😂😂 most people suck, those of us that dont arent willing to waste time on them considering they arent even diligent enough to come prepared to easy af raids

  13. Nothing wrong with not wanting to run with shit players. When my guild needs pugs to fill some of our alt raids, I'll take blue parses but green and grey parsers don't even get a reply. Learn how to press your buttons if you want an invite to a raid. Nobody wants to spend over 45 minutes in Gnomer at this stage on the phase.

  14. I remember on nostalrius we were just looking at the gear, if people were more or less pre raid geared and thats it. Now everybody is asking for high parse for a fking lvl 40 raid (x As they will parse to be top world ranking they did not even reach top 50 in a guild before so stupid imo


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