IS IT FUN? The Shadowlands HUNTER Class Review! Marksmanship & Beast Mastery

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It’s time for the return of our Class Review series! Over the coming months, we’ll cover every class in World of Warcraft Shadowlands, keeping you up to date with what’s changed, how they play, what the strengths & weaknesses are, and, of course, what’s fun!
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30 thoughts on “IS IT FUN? The Shadowlands HUNTER Class Review! Marksmanship & Beast Mastery”

  1. Shadowlands blows donkey nuts. Torghast and the Maw are a major focus and both suck massively. Borrowed power yet again for an entire expansion, and it's extremely punishing to your output if you don't choose Kyrian or Night Fae as a Hunter. Picking flavor has a 50/50 chance to screw your dps big time. Screw Activision for ruining Blizzard.

  2. really ignoring the elephant in the room with BM, emphasizing both "it's not fun to play" and "it meshes with the gameplay of wow," but very carefully avoiding connecting the dots there ahaha. i think i'll always feel the move away from spec- and class-based skill cap toward encounter-base skill cap is one of the biggest problems in wow.

  3. Love the series, you do a great job of explaining the implications of small changes in a spec. However, I think it'd be helpful for your audience if you could talk (a little) more about things like cool factor and execution of class fantasy in these. While I agree that a spec's core rotation has the biggest impact on how fun it is, there's more to it than that. For example, it's worth noting in a review of Beast Mastery hunter that there may be new tameable exotic beasts worth seeking out, or how Night Fae can try to match their soul shape to their hunter pets, or how the un-pruning affected it, etc. It may not seem important to some, but for a lot of us, the real dps charts are the friends we make along the way 🙂

  4. Survival Hunter “rework” needs to shift it from a melee dps to a tank that uses its pet to help it tank. You can’t tell me that wouldn’t be damned fun and both provide a strong class fantasy (tank….survival, it’s in the name!) and have its own unique niche.

  5. man it looks like all 3000 SV hunters came to this video to comment that it's lame that the spec is left out. In reality it offers nothing, it can't compete with the others and in any relevant scenario nobody will want to play with SV hunters it's a failed experiment that needs to be reworked once more

  6. Survival needs to be remade into how it was in WoD. It was the perfect hunter spec. Having a boot leg melee spec occupying a whole 1/3 of our choice is ridiculous and its bizarre that Blizzard hasn't fixed that yet.

  7. main issue with hunters is that you can get kicked from group content for simply being a hunter. People seems to be very tired of accidential pulls from barrage and pets, so there is actually quite a high chance of being kicked from LFGs at the start of dungeons and get a 30 min deserter debuff, without even saying anything and before any pulls. So hunters are seemingly universally hated in LFG.

  8. My current main is MM and idk if I'm playing it wrong or what, but I'm just not fully enjoying it despite the high damage output. Struggling so hard with choosing another main to switch to too…

  9. I'm a fairly casual player atm and went Necrolord on my MM hunter. With Surging Shots leggo, I'm consistently top DPS in dungeons. It's a ton of fun, but I'm expecting to get nerfed in the next patch.

  10. Being a BM main feels good 🙂 I aint a mega high content player, but it feels fun even though i can see why some would consider it boring. The spec is all about timing and squeezing in extra shots with a consistent amount of damage rather than flashy, rewarding gameplay.

  11. quick question, How would people feel if Blizzard stuck with melee for Survival but made it a TANK spec, playing with pets to take damage for you as cds.
    this would make sure that mail also have a tank for armor stacks in early mythics etc.

    if not, gief my favorite spec of all time back please.

  12. I loved playing survival hunter at the end of legion and during BFA but i am sad how it got no attention for shadowlands and feels so weak now, it would be great if it got a little more smoothing out. i went back to my BM roots since that is what i always played until legion but it feels so slow unless i have about 20% haste.


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