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When it comes to 11.1 classes and all the changes the new patch brings, it’s hard to make a decision for a main after watching an 11.1 tier list from early testing on the ptr but like many of you, we’re looking at other specs to potentially play in the new patch! 11.1 mains and alts is always a hot topic for us so today, we’re discussing some preliminary choices that could potential become mains in patch 11.1!
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Current main is feral, season 2 I’m planning on playing a dps spec that gets invited to m+ groups
Not sure u can call it ur main if you keep changing it every major patch
Blood Dk 🫡
Nope for better or for worse Shadow is my main
Restro druid we're coming back! Nvm what ppl say!
Outlaw rogue just need a little buff to be in reach with assa. Not that high dmg isn’t possible but the malus when you drop the very random rota became of movement, is a problem.
But it’s so much fun when it’s works.
I always come back to Boomkin so I will just stick to it
Changed game …😅
I dont like augumentation but like the idea of buffing class. It would be sooo nice to have more class choice for that.
once survival always survival
My new main is……not WOW.
Until now as unholy, never seen my damage below frost dk in myth dungeon😂
If you look for a healer, hit me up for 13/14 keys 😉 im a mistweaver looking for a team
Im a boomie main, it's rough to be soo bad in raid and know that there is a 0% chance of buffs bc M+ is so good on a boomie.
I plan on changing game for something else as im not doing these crap dungeons.
I've been trying out Survival and it is so fun.
Stickin with Rstro Sham
Once a Paladin always a Paladin!
That shelf in front of the window bothers me, but with it also not being centered, it would really make me crazy if I had to live with it.
I play quite a few different classes right now mostly pugging. I’ve found that getting into groups as an enhancement shaman is way easier than most classes.
What I would love to go back to and main is slayer fury. It’s a lot of fun and I love high demand classes like outlaw, enhance and the old school fury. If they don’t address warrior a bit more I’ll likely go back to outlaw or enhance again.