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Patch 9.2 releases this week – but is it enough to bring you back to the game? Should you play patch 9.2 of Shadowlands?
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Timestamps – 00:00 – Intro
00:40 – Stuff everyone will be excited for
06:10 – Raiders HYPE
07:28 – Dungeoneers
08:14 – All the PVPERS
09:32 – Recap
Bring back war forge and titanforged
lol solo queue for pvp, like 16 years ago, huh? What a novel idea!
Yaaaas. I can’t wait for Thursday.
The wise thing to do would have dropped all systems, time gates, covenants, having to remake legendaries, by hey here are set bonuses that are going to cause more imbalance…. We are going to change… Nope they doubled down, more thorghast, more systems, new currencies, more legendary remaking. Let it die.
The patch alone might not be enough to come back to but if you have friends who play then it is definitely worth it.
If only I had time, I'd try it again. Just work too much to validate a sub rn vs time I have. Especially with the amount of time you have to put into wow to stay relevant.
i'll be back. just been doing MINOR alt catchup and mount farming in the meantime.
i think 9.2 and hopefully moreso in .5 will be fixing many of the woes
I was hyped for the 8.3 back in BoA… then the wait for it to release my energy got sapped so i skipped it all. Even the pre-patch. Though I find myself playing more I prob wont skip out this one… but it is very tempting to wait for the X-pac news.
Am I the only one that is not really excited about 9.2?
im least excited for the Tier gear being used in Rated Arenas or Bgs,covenants made most classes too OP and this just isnt going to balance anything, its going to make it worse
Why would I leave Final Fantasy 14 for a patch that MIGHT fix some of the issues that made me quit WoW in the first place? I gave them a second chance with 9.0 after BFA, a third chance with 9.0.5 to fix their shitshow, a fourth chance with 9.1 that ended up being Korthia… and for me that was it. I did the grinds for a full 3 weeks every day and just decided I was done. Don't even get me started on Torghast and the Dev teams hatred of Alts and Flying… I'm waiting it out until 10.0 launches, and even then I'll only pick it up once it's been out for a month and people give real feedback on whether it's worth it or not. Shadowlands had EVERY chance to succeed and it failed in every way possible.
It is VERY hard to get a 16 year WoW addict to quit, but somehow 8.3 and Shadowlands did just that. To those sticking around: I truly hope it's not another early unfinished nightmare shitshow like Korthia was with rares spawning under the world, daily quests needing hotfixes, campaign quests bugged out, and Achievements not working… but unfortunately this is what Blizzard Quality has devolved to meaning in the last decade.
The shadowlands does not struggle storywise. It's a fine interesting story, with cool characters etc etc.. The real problem of the game is that it got borrowed power as a fundamental part of your daily gameplay and grind, again, like hell. We are over 30 now, we got families, work etc etc.. We cannot play 10 hours per day just to get exalted with the korrhian faction in order to get a gem and of course we cannot play day and night in order to farm terrible systems like anima power and torghast… See the Great Vault for example, in order to fill everything so you can get 9 random loots you need to play many many hours.. That's not good m8, they don't respect our time. We pay for the game, it's not free to play God damn. Plus, we cannot raid anymore cause it's too damn expensive. See all the pots, flasks, olis, runes and all the other things that we need are too expensive. Either you farm the mats with alts but it takes all day or you buy gold.
That thing where you can turn any piece of gear into a tier piece, is bullshit. You have no reason to raid.
No, the core experience has not changed in the slightest. simple answer. They have a lot of work to do.
I'm waiting for the next expansion. they way endgame is gated by multiple grinds, it's not worth my time.
Done with WoW – no more since started in ‘08 and playing non-stop through 9.1.
I’m just going to wait. No sense in running another shitty, lack luster raid
I think theres not much to come back for, who cares about the new zone, really? Its just going to be another boring grind fest. More mind numbingly boring campaign. Adding tier sets should have been good, but they didn't do a great job with them, a lot of people aren't happy with their tier sets. It honestly seems like all its done is make classes worse than they were before (not necessarily numerically, but playstyle/rotation & versatility wise), almost as if they don't understand what they're doing. The only actually interesting thing about the patch is the new raid. Blizzard these days just seems to excel at making boring content, making people waste their time (or feel like they have), and it just comes across as lazy. They begrudgingly give us QoL improvements waaaay too late in the expansion, and everything in general feels like its tuned to numbers rather than FUN. They also seem to have no idea how to tune specs, they make huge nerfs which gut specs, rather than figure out how to keep it fun while balanced. The sad thing is it wouldn't have been that hard to make this a fun patch, but they always seem to err on the side of boring, timewasting, grindy, rather than fun and interesting. Whenever they do what the community asks, they always do it so it fulfils the bare minimum of it – like renown catchup – why can't you get it guaranteed from defeating raid bosses or torghast wings, why does it have to be random chance so you have to spend three times as long? It almost feels like they want to punish you for playing the game, it really feels like that. The way they develop the game just feels like they have no interest in it, so idk why they are bothering to make a new expansion. And you know, if they wanted to get people hyped about a new expansion, maybe they could have put a bit more effort into 9.2, but they didn't, so I won't be surprised if they haven't learned anything for 10.0.
I have always tried to play other mmo’s. EVE, GW2, Albion, SWTOR……none of them make me want to come back like WoW….despite how crappy Blizz is haha. Hope 9.2 is solid for everyone and I don’t even have an active sub!
Lol no
Actually excited for 10.0 not 9.2. Waiting to see how they can "actually" improve based on their own f-ups in SL.
I still play very casually and I will continue to do so in 9.2. Seems like there's a few new things to have fun with. I just really hope Blizz can get their act together for the next expansion instead (or maybe wow2 like they should have done a few expansions ago? Living on hope). No more borrowed power, put more rpg back into the mmorpg and while they're at it, see if they can bring the mmo part back as well (although I'm very aware that's not only on them and the ship might have sailed, never to return).
Argh! Only going to play for a month, then it’s back to waiting for the next xpac.
Wow's extra systems are a cancer to the game. Instead of them wasting TONS of resources to systems – creating, balacing, updating and not have any of it be truley alt friendly. They either need to make it all account wide aka alt friendly or just go back to having ability trees mean something and just have normal gear where you can get from doing pvp, dungeons, raids ext like in LK they can also bring back badges so you can buy the pieces of gear you want too – that way RNG activities and that dumb chest won't really be such a disapointment week after week. Otherwise I'll just stay unsubbed, and the game deleted off my pc's.
na. maybe i come back with the new xpac. but shadowlands just sucks for me with torghast, covenant garbage, system over system and 1000daylis
Unless they are going to kill off sylvanas no thanks.
We need alt friendly game playing and the death of sylvanas. There is NO way redemption is possible. You cant jail her . Just like everyother prisoner they will escape and we will have yet another expansion about her. She betrayed the horde, the forsaken, murdered a large group of elves, devastated their lands, and destroyed the undercity
If SL was fun I’d play again. I don’t like anything about it’s story or systems. All work and no play makes me a sad panda. So I won’t be returning to 9.2 to collect toys, mounts, pets, and xmog or what ever else I’m supposed to do in the game.
No, i won't
If I came back now, (I haven’t even done any korthia stuff ) I quit after season 1. I’m a 3k player. Do I need to do any of that crap for gem sockets? Does it matter?
The grind in this game just doesn't feel good anymore. I'm not coming back unless they make some serious modifications. The borrowed power system, lack of customization, and looting systems are just outdated. Torgast is a huge fail, the daily quests are boring and so far the dungeons have been very underwhelming. The looting/gearing systems and how they did the legendaries are also very disappointing. It just doesn't feel rewarding. The only thing that's decent in my opinion are the raids, so hopefully, this new system can make it a bit more interesting with the tier sets, but in my opinion, they just need to try something completely new
They need to stop looking at systems that worked 10 years ago and come up with something innovative for their game. Another huge flaw this game has now is the fact that you can't even play the class you want if you desire to play the game at a high level. You basically have to play meta or it's difficult to push the content and or even get into a group. On the contrary to all of this, these changes in 9.2 are a step in the right direction, but nothing more than a step. It's still not near what the game needs to succeed again.
after two days i feel like i already played the entire patch aside from crafting the tier set.all that there is to do in 9.2 is what you do when wow has no content farm rares…lol.
is a disappointment, to be precise, it does not follow the spirit of Warcraft, IT IS NOT Warcraft…
i did the storyline quests and filled the bar…now so bored.
Loving the new zone doing good on timing just now fully caught up and even ready for M+ new season 3 raid glad blizz did this update makes BG's even more fun as well i'm maining a mage atm. Also love your content!! if it wasn't for your helpful tips and tricks i'd still be on the first few quest of the zone lol.. much love from Ohio!!
I wont play 9.2 I better take a break till 10.0 come out. 9.2 is ok but still bad.
always worth going back if you have people to raid or pvp with