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Dungeon boosting in both Classic and Shadowlands Retail is it bad or good? What is your opinion? In Classic we have leveling boosting and carries thru raids via gdkp and in retail we have Mythic Plus, Heroic and Mythic Raid Carries. Even Torghast! xD But the point is, is it affecting the game badly in any way? Personally I think not but that is largely based on how the people are getting their gold and the ones selling the gold how they are spending the gold. As long as everything is within TOS it’s okay Imo. Let me know what you think.
Hey man, the first video of yours that I saw was titled something like “Are you getting declined for mythic+”. That was pretty recent and I subbed after I watched it and wanted to give you an update. This past weekend I decided I would push my own keys and form my own groups and my goal was to get a high enough score to get an invite to someone else’s key. Well after a full day on Saturday and maybe a half day on Sunday, I got my score over 550 and was able to get invited pretty fast to multiple +10 keys by Sunday night.
So I hope you read this. Mythic plus has seemed to have too high a barrier to entry since it’s inception and for the first time I am actually able to participate and I think it might just be my favorite part of the game! So I just wanted to say thank you!!!
Pay to win has affected my classic experience in such that it seems everyone is paying to be boosted/carried to 60. Noone is grinding dungeons and many of the leveling zones feel empty. I had multiple characters spread out across several servers, and this was an issue on all of them. Servers have turned into ghost towns and people are just raid logging. I resubbed a couple of times in recent months, and had no luck finding people to enjoy the game with. I feel like classic may be at it's end now, and perhaps it would be a waste of time to try and come back at this point.
I’m not sure where I stand on paying to win in world of Warcraft, because on one hand, I sell carries for gold, and even with the best gear, a lot of players will still be bad so it doesn’t really solve their problems,
On the other hand, I hate getting someone who obviously paid for their score in my groups when running 15+ keys, they obviously have no experience in the dungeon and it’s a rip key if I don’t catch it.
Edit: on a side note, most of the people I sell carries to are actually pretty good already, they just don’t have the friends or the time, essentially they are buying me and my groups friendship and I feel bad for them. I understand real life gets in the way, who am I to say it’s wrong to buy carries, I just wish the people who buy carries didn’t think they were God’s now that they have 210-220 Ilvl.
As long as the IRL money they spend goes to blizzard so they can improve the game I love and not a third party website I’m okay with it basically.
P2W wouldn't be so wrong if you had option to do other things, but you can't you are 100% forced to inbrace this P2W meta otherwise you can't do anything. You can't do Dungeons 5 people anymore cuz the chat is 24/7 spammed with WTS boost, and when you are 60 you can't see any 20/40 man raids or dungeons without any Gbid/GDKP or HRs on items.
So as a new player or new on a server you can't survive and you will end up Quitting, so I really fucking hate these retarded Gold Metas!!
I don't care about what happends in Retail that game can gladly have all the P2W shit, but Classic should be an other option to all that shit, but thanks to all these Eliteism greedy Metas Retail and Classic is the same game now 🙁
I am glad for this video!! I dont pay boost never i just play the game but i dont mind this trade of real money for boost. Everyone shuold have to understand that many people put to many hours on this game and they find this way to get same money of it so why the hell get mad of them. I AM HAPPY FOR EVERYONE THAT WANNA GET PAY FOR WHAT THEY LOVE!
Was good to hear you talk and have good valid points man I enjoyed it driving home
I'm a raider not a farmer.
Heroic archimonde isnt a boost that is paying to claim ur good and you're reallly trash and all of bfa I was I was invited without aotc into pug clears, cuz my status exceeds an expansion.. it makes you a liar, and immoral and a bottomfedder of society
I don't mind people boosting but trade chat is now boost chat. I myself have recently uninstalled the game. If i can play the game and let other's do the work or die at the start of a boss fight. Really is there any difference watching a run on You Tube than watching it through a release screen.
this dude is clearly payed by reallife money booster and reallife money goldsellers in classic. saying that its ok to be a creditcard hero and buy yourself to victory, and saying thats like in the real world where u can buy stuff with money. no its not like in the real world. world of warcraft its a game with its own economy and own ways to earn money in form of : gold. in reallife to have gold to buy what u want you have to work. (ok maybe your a richs dad kid but let this out for now) sooo you cant say in reallife: ohhh i dont have the timeeee to work ohh i just dont want to boooother i go buy reallife tokens*….no you cant bro. so to HAVE lets call it *reallifegold you have tu BUILD A SKILLSET bring dedication with you time and you get good at something. back in the days in WoW you could not just buy official wow tokens to victory. you had to work JUST like in reallife in this lets callede id virtual reallife dimension back in the days it was ok to bust you trough endgame because YOU had an skillset in something different. maybe you where a smart Auctionhouse buisnessman or a good farmer WHATEVER. so you contributed something to the wow society and you could do with your gold whatever you want. THATS FINE. nowadays you can be the creditcardhero and BUY GOLD OUTSIDE of WOW contributing NOTHING to the game be in NOTHING good. this is an unfair advantage. people want to invest time in something and compete with someone other and have ACTUALLY an experience. yes (there are still some dudes that are so silly ….lol expierence something). its just NOT ok to buy wow tokens. the most worst thing about this is that this creditcard heroes affects you. you see a duide searching for mythic raids or naxx in classic with excellent gear you invite him and this dude is making so much dps like a fresh lvl 60 and have a movement of an lvl 1 boar. and it also crashed the economy for people that really want ACTUALLY to play the game and earn they gold and have a good expierence. ther is so much created gold out of the game the economy inflation is huuuuuuuuge. peps who buy tokens and gold in classic from sellers are loosers that ALSO in reallife : have no time to study…i dont know how to be a doctor. they dont have the time to get a good job they dont have time to make an impact bla bla bla. so they go with the same skillset in world of warcraft with this lazy skillset of : let others do the work for me. and they have no succes so they take out theyre creditcard and then they are FIRST TIME IN THEYRE LIFE HEROESSSSSS. just losers man. they take theyre paycheck from theyre minijobs or even dont work and get fundet by the staate they live in and maybe eat les in reallife so they can afford 3-4 tokens a month and be someone. and i tell you one thing people that are succesfull in reallife and play wow they DONT buy tokens. because they have another mindset they want to achive something BY THERESELFES. search in youtube for this term: instant gradification. that want loosers. everything should be instant. if you DONT have the time for wow iif you dont have the willpower (even if youi have the time) if you dont want to git gud. dont cry and just quest. dont go in group content and bother and slow down other people (only if you really want to get better then yes) its this superficial superficial superficial society nowadays it doesnt matter if i can perform well with my boosted leveld char and my shiny epix. doesnt matter that im making with BIS gear so much dps like an dude thats fresh 60. as long i haveee the gear. cha chiiiiiiiiiing. you get it? NO ITS NOT OK to buy an advantage in a closed system from another system. its not ok to buy wow tokens because you cant earn them ingame. at the end of the game it doesnt make the creditcards heroes happy to. because in theyre hearths they know that its not satisfiying to just buy it. look videos about instant gradification. its like when u get an medal in sport for participation sure man. you got an medal. your a hero. ask every entrepreneur that achived his goal and is now a entrepreneur. his main goal is the JOURNEY the improvmeent of himself its the feeling of getting proud of himself developing a skillset. you heared someone saying : money does not make happy? ha? you heared this ? yeah you had 😀 you had . if you give this lazy non working on them self people 10000 million dollars that cry arouind i dont have time for relationships i dont have this i dont have this. they will NEVER get happy with this money. cause theyre a shallow spending machine. thats why the most kids of millionaires dont use daddys creditcard. sure they use it ok sorry but majority of them make theyre OWN stuff too. STOP beeing a looser. STOP CRYING arround that u DONT have the time to i dont know raid 2 hours a week and improve yourself. yeah yeah but you have the time to stand afk in a raid that time you have. just stop beeing a looser man. it will not satisfy you if you buy tokens. maybe on short time that rush when u got your afked new sword. but it dont last long. JUST STOP it. i know i know some peps are now mad after reading this and aysing: this dude is jelly fishing around cause he dont have 20 bucks to buy a token….bro i have ok? just bother with the game.