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Is Pandaria Remix a BETTER option than Warcraft Season 4? #dragonflight #gamer #gamingcommunity #mmorpg #worldofwarcraft #gaming #twitchclips #game #gamingvideos #warcraft #dragonflight
100% Right… I am at this moment also not Happy about what Blizz do. Season 4 is super trash and Remix is also not what I rlly expected. I wished Blizz would creat maybe just a small Raid with 4-5 Bosses and 1-2 more Dungions with a complete new Season and maybe a little Campaign to play that would be enough for me for the last Season.
From blizzard's perspective, this doesn't make sense to do.
I think a lot of vets are waiting for the expansion. Allowing the largest chunk of the player base to do the content that they didn't get to do throughout the expansion with these empowered raids makes sense.
So does mop remix because it is the next expansion for classic.
Season 4 of shadowlands had more meat in it than season 4 of dragonflight and that’s sad to admit
and maybe if they stopped spending time on these stupid limited time mini games Mists redux and what was it plundering they could spend more time on a better game
Just stop playing geez
I think giving old raid gear the power to be relevant again is great, so many awesome trinkets and wep with great design that we can play with again.
WotLK is an empty mess with terrible dungeons and some raids that while cool back then, are complete trash compared to the two latest DF raids.
What I enjoyed about ruby sanctum, even though gear was ICC ilvl, was that it was showing the transition from wrath to cata. Introducing part of the new threat. I've firmly believed that WoW would be more successful if (from vanilla) thr last raid of each game / xpac lead into the new xpac to hype you up and for us to get partial story.
The real final raid can be season 3 no problem but season 4 could absolutely introduce the new threat.
Ruby Sanctum was horrible back than, it was overtuned AF and ppl didn't like it at all atleast on my Realm back than… it was rly hard to get a grp together for that raid.
yes, a godamn pvp season for once