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Shadowlands Ret Paladin is demolishing in Season 1 rated PVP, especially in low ratings. Is Blizzard going to knock us down? Is our burst damage/healing too high??
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pls no
todays meta. no they should not be nerfed. if the fast paced game it the new meta. paladins are ok. iv seen classes do crazier things. i dont think pallys should be nerfed at all.
Since we’re through the holidays, Blizz is likely to continue class tuning! We’re in danger of nerfs, but do we deserve it?
i went for a 2x with a friend, agains fire-mage/sub-rogue. We managed to kill the mage and i was left with sub rogue. I was playing as a prot paladin, and i was killed on the sub rogue opener. A SUB ROGUE KILLED A PROT PALADIN ONLY IN THE OPENER AND PPL SAY THAT PALADIN IS TOO STRONG ? Seriously ? People just complain with no reason just because they got surprised thinking paladin is as bad as it was before and now it is a lot better.
Great video – thanks for keeping us appraised of what’s on the horizon. Do you think that the AWC comps and Rets prevalence or lack thereof may determine whether or not we’re targeted for nerfs? Personally I think games are so bursty right now that DS and BoP are huge, but as hp / vers go up and 1-shots become less viable our lack of defensives and mobility might become more notable again. Then again, HH has been able to offset the lack of defensives somewhat so unless we get deep dampening should hopefully stay viable.
No, People are overgeared…. nerfs = cripple on pvp and pve
Enh shaman is more durable in 2v2 than us
I think people at low ratings are complaining too much. Blizz needs to buff defensives. Every class can kill. People just need to play smarter. With better defensives you can withstand burst, however if you use them incorrectly you die. That would make it so that higher ratings take more skill. I feel like that would be better balance than nerfing damage.
The more we speak, write, show and cry about it .. the more any nerfs will come ..
''Feral druids can oneshot ret paladins.'''
Closes video.
Dude go watch videos out of all melee classes we are the bottom, monks, warriors and rogues are all above rets, there's nothing to nerf, there's dozens of videos showing skills, damage output and cc and rets definitely are not anywhere near on top of that list
Paladin is an all or nothing class. If you nerf the all, all that's left is nothing. The whole class needs a redesign to be more consistent
Only people who have ilvl220 see crazy big numbers, i for one dont raid or m+ and the only gear i have is from arena and pvp….i can honestly say that i DONT see these numbers on my screen lol, so the only people who would benefit/lose to nerfs are highly geared tryharders, and the class would be simply unplayable for us casual pvpers and lower CR palas
Way too soon for any more nerfs people need to slow the fuck down with nerf talk
Always the same problem different expansion. burst damage and healing is too high to compensate for weak mobility and defensives and consistent damage and we ask blizzard to change it and instead they double down. Then people complain that its op and blizzard listens and nerfs it to the ground and leaves it to die. My prediction is that something similar is going to happen after AWC and the cycle will continue.
Nerfing pally would be unfair. Slowest melee in the game, no pressure outside wings, pally rn has everything it needs. Burst to use in killwindows, outside of that we just try survive till our next burst. That is all we have! Other classes have consistent pressure, burst (with even less setup and more damage!), heals.
So no nerfs to pally aren't necessary. If there is anything that needs a TWEAK then its convoke the spirits (pallies can bubble but other classes can't seem to survive without throwing all of their defensives at once) and kyrian dh tank ability (hit me for 18k once without any setup whatsoever). Other than that we need to see buffs! Buffs to specs that we simply do not see! Fury warrior for example, demo lock, survival hunter, to name a few.
I truely hope Blizz sees and understands that.
Well , listen. If the ret has a burst dmg window for 20seconds, then imagine that a WW Monk or Arms or Sub or Fucking Mage can to this all dayyyy looong. So, before considering nerfing the Ret paladins which was a meme spec since Legion, you should have a look first on the other classes/specs.
lel ret is more of a support than DPS in elite wtf is this nerf talk about?
I feel like many classes are strong and capable of globaling you in this xpac. Please don't nerf ret into the ground AGAIN. At the start of every xpac this spec gets nerfed and relegated to bottom tier for the remainder.
If they nerf damage they have to buff mobolity and consistant damage or we will be trash.
Buff others instead of nerf good classes
I think they in a good spot they r by far not the best I mean I got hit by a balance Druid for 25k coming out of stealth my health is 28 k so
If ret gets nerfed and boomies dont for their stupid convoked ability I will legit just play better and get my 1800 rating and just sit on that. Probs run an alt or something lmao
No, not at all. Boomi, shami, warri, ww all waaaaay to op… pala is ok
Other classes are just as strong if not stronger. So a nerf would just be plain stupid.
Tbh I just hope they leave healers alone… its already not super fun as a healer currently
Just nerf heal little and its fine 👌
Rets do need some tweeks tho. They are ofc one of several specs that currently needs it, but they do need it. And while they are at it, do something about convoke the spirits and the hunt.
Well I’ve mainly only played Pali since burning crusade! I’ve seen the good, I’ve seen the bad, and I’ve seen the absolute worst and still played the class because I loved it, but if we get nerfed to the ground and go all the way to unplayable again, I’m switching to DK
Like there's no other melees who can wreck me in 3 seconds. Rogue, warrior with spear, monk with slows, hunter shooting through pilars while invisible… I gotta bubble all of those things. Them? If they trinket my hoj, they can perfectly kite my ass if I ain't mega fast in the execution of my burst, and even so. But hey, then there's druids with convoque, mages with burst and insane shields/mobility, priest mindgaming us and being super tanky with defensives… Nah, ret paladin is probably one of the classes who less need to be nerfed rn
There are way more broken specs than ret at this point
I think if ret gets nerfed and ele shaman, boomkin, arms warrior doesnt whatever flak/hate blizzard gets is 1000% justified. I'm a ret main and we havent have a good expansion since WoTLK.
Rets already got nerfed hard. They got nothing but nerfs. Lol
pve the damage isnt really that good
You will never understand until you play another class against a Ret. I've been playing Ret, hunter, and rogue. I kinda parked my Ret because I'm expecting it will get nerfed to the ground and then be wheelchair dumpster tier.