Is Shadowlands Any Good? (Early Impressions) World of Warcraft

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After a full week of playing Shadowlands practically non-stop, here are my early impressions of this latest expansion.

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Since launch I’ve dove head first into Shadowlands, hitting max level the first night, then spending the following days unlocking my Covenant, exploring the Maw, fighting through Thorghast, and starting the gear treadmill running Normal, Heroic, and Mythic dungeons. I’ve got a good early taste of this expansions major features and today I’ll be going over what I like and dislike so far.

0:00 Shadowlands First Impressions – Intro
2:57 Leveling and New Zones
7:45 End Game Activities
8:28 Covenants
11:10 World Quests
12:25 The Maw
14:46 Torghast
17:22 Dungeons
20:24 Max level routine
22:05 Final Thoughts

World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. The game’s eighth expansion, Shadowlands, is set to launch later this year.


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33 thoughts on “Is Shadowlands Any Good? (Early Impressions) World of Warcraft”

  1. Unfortunately no, still to progress in the game you need to do exact same thing as before. Torgast is new but boring as hell and actually doesn't bring anything enjoyable. No new class and class changes they made are minimal and bring nearly nothing to the rotation. I'm sorerly disapointed and already feel like I need to force my self to play this thing. Anyway, boring as hell.

  2. Ngl didn't watch the video but imo, they seem to have made changes to a lot of previous systems that are supposed to be improvements but maybe take a little getting used to. Toreghast feels a bit underwhelming tbh found it boring after 10 or so runs + It's not infinite atleast not yet. Haven't gotten to legendaries yet so idk. Overall I quit playing after about a week binge, already beat the campaign, played bgs, toreghast, ect… Not as good as legion imo but will come back to it later when I am bored enough.

  3. I haven't played since WOTLK and loving the shadowlands experience. I am really enjoying starting new characters and leveling up in the other expansions I skipped.


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