Is World of Warcraft Pushing Out Content Too Fast?

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33 thoughts on “Is World of Warcraft Pushing Out Content Too Fast?”

  1. Dont understand people complaining at times. If blizz doesnt push more content fast enough they whining. Now they pushing it fast. People is still complaining. So i dont understand some of the player based.

  2. The problem is, if they had enough bodies to work on the content, QC the content, and polish the content, it would be fine. We all know that isn't the case. Blizzard and QC? Ha!

    Even under Microsoft, it's still running on the fine margins of "just" enough bodies to squeak out the content with "just" enough time to squirt it out on time. The part where it becomes frustrating is where they quickly fix the bugs that result in classes being overpowered, but largely ignore all the others for weeks, months, or never.

  3. There arent enough cool cosmetics to chase. I'd love to see tier sets follow some sort of theme or silhouette per class.

    Now that we have so many hero talents we could see a uniform theme thats unique to the hero talent or spec. Add in a dye system to layer as a reward for devles, m+ and world content. Give us cool weapon skins that match our gear and illusions for further customization.

    Show us what an aldrachi reaver, void weaver, orcale, rider of the apocalypse or hellcaller looks like through cosmetics.

  4. Blizzard becoming the Game Freak of the MMORPG genre by releasing bugged and unfinished products due to the lack of time, QA and care was certainly not on my bingo card for TWW. It's really sad because most of the new content would be good with better QA

  5. I wonder if a PvP focused zone alongside something like the Siren Aisle would work.

    A zone where PvP players can flock with different PvE/PvP activities and objectives to do and maybe we could have honor or honor equivilent currency drop from mobs to help gear people for bgs/rbgs.

    I would say no flying mounts but then blizzard would need to evolve ground mounts dynamically like flying did. It would for sure be a unique experience for world PvP. I would love to see either PvP tier sets return in funtion or esthetic! A copy and paste from raid tier is boring 🫣

  6. Yet another video about this stuff? This was not a huge patch and yeah it had issues but it’s been handled for nearly two weeks now. You guys really need to move on. This kind of negativity promotes toxicity within the community

  7. Nobody complains about the speed at which content is delivered, we want content with less bugs and better quality and that does NOT automatically mean we have to slow content production. Stop deciding things in advance(jumping the gun). Idiots like you influence companies to do the wrong thing. What do you think Blizzard will do with this gun you have handed them? I can hear the excuses now, "We're sorry everyone, but we couldn't come out with the new patch as dated because we wanted to make sure the quality was up to scratch" all the while taking our sub money for less. What kind of an idiot hands them a loaded gun like that?

  8. Its a simple rule as a developer. if its not ready it doesnt get released. I would hope their server engineers are not as impatient as their content developers. haha, release it when its ready. just dont be as slow and as crap as shadowlands. haha

  9. I don´t think there can be to much. As long as it works i´m fine. Otherwise i would pause my sub, because at the moment i have nothing to do. I think 11.0.5 is boring af. Seen the raid once, but no need to go again. There is not even something to transmog. And later there will come the plunderstuff again. Seems to be nice for people who enjoy that gameplay, but nothing for me or my friends. Can´t wait for 11.1.

  10. I still dont get what goal this patch is aiming for. I mean you get 584 Gear thats is also easily achievable now. The Fear which looms over this patch that die acutal next raid Tier/season will be pushed farther into future when the "Catchup" as well Plunderstorm 2.0 will run 6 Months easily

  11. instant yes its now a seasonal game not that it hasnt kinda always been though. like imagine they take a year off to just work on shit drop a massive patch with new content and the world updated visually new races new classes new specs better balance. like i dont get why the game NEEDS to be active 24/7 a year might be a bit much but idc id wait a year for wow to get fixed it worked for FF

  12. I would prefer 10-12 weeks. I noticed all the way back in DF's Alpha, they're running damn close to the wire on deadlines. That can't be good for the devs and it's certainly not good for the product. It feels like every patch they try to figure out how to do less, automate more, turn some handmade game design with texture into a sanded down rotating system, idk. let them cook


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